Chapter 1

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Gretchen snatched up the plate of pancakes and crispy bacon as soon as it appeared in the pass-through window. She then spun to grab the coffeepot before hurrying out into the dining area of the Primrose Café. A mix of locals, tourists and riders in town for the latest rodeo filled nearly every chair in the place.

"Good Lord, I'm running my feet off," Daisy said as they passed each other.

Gretchen never understood the grumbles she sometimes heard from coworkers because she loved the hectic pace a full restaurant created. It made her shifts go by faster, and full tables meant more tips, money she sorely needed.

Pushing thoughts of her financial situation aside, she delivered the plate of pancakes to Paul Brown. The elderly rancher was part of the coffee klatch of similarly aged men who frequented the Primrose in the mornings, shooting the breeze and solving the world's problems.

"Thanks, sweetie," Paul said, smiling up at her with the same harmlessly flirty smile he and his friends gifted to all the waitresses.

Gretchen smiled back as she would have to her own grandfather, if she'd ever known either of her grandfathers.

"You're welcome."

And then she was off, making the rounds with the coffeepot, keeping people happy with full cups.

When the door opened again, she looked up to see two women enter. Gretchen walked up to the pair. "You're just in time to claim the last table."

"I'm a lucky charm that way," one said to the other, drawing a snort from her friend.

Gretchen led them to a small table in the corner, grabbing a couple of menus from the front counter on the way. "I'm Gretchen, and I'll be your server today. I'm guessing you are in town for the rodeo?"

The one who'd been amused by her friend nodded. "Yeah. Both riding in the barrel racing. I'm Savannah, and this is Abby, who is going to lose to me this weekend."

Abby snorted. "In your dreams, missy."

Gretchen couldn't help but smile at their friendly banter. "I'll give you a few minutes to look over the menu then come back for your orders."

When she stepped behind the counter, she noticed Liam Parrish at the register waiting to pay for his meal.

"Looks like the rodeos are bringing in more people every month," she said.

"Yeah. And bigger talent, too."


"I got the word out to a friend in Dallas, who convinced some big names to take part in this one since it's to raise money for scholarships." He nodded toward the table she'd just left. "That's Savannah Baron and Abby Morgan. Both have ridden in the National Finals, and Abby's won a couple of times. On track to capture the title again. A couple of Savannah's brothers will be here. Just got word that Matt Evans will be riding, too."

She must have looked totally lost because Liam chuckled. "I forget not everyone knows rodeo circuit names like I do. Matt's a world champion saddle bronc rider."

"Well, sounds like it'll draw a large crowd, which is good for everybody."

Gretchen gave him his change, and he tipped her well, as he always did.

Liam turned to leave just as the front door opened again. "Well, speak of the devil."

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