Chapter 12

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The next night, Gretchen filed into the fairgrounds along with what seemed like the rest of Blue Falls. As she handed over a few of her hard-earned dollars to purchase her entrance, she hoped she wasn't letting her new infatuation cause her to make poor decisions. She normally watched her money very carefully, only buying a new book, sketchpad or some other small indulgence every couple of months. She continually told herself that since she was blindsided by Adam's betrayal, she was going to make wise decisions, ones that ensured her future safety and solid financial footing.

Still, the excitement filling the air, along with the delicious smell of grilled hamburgers, seemed well worth what she'd just paid. It had been awhile since she'd allowed herself to relax a little. Even last night when she'd been out with Matt, she hadn't truly been able to relax. It felt as if every time she looked at him, he was even more handsome. Add in the fact that he was funny, nice, and paid her lovely compliments—well, what girl wouldn't feel giddy?

Her stomach growled, reminding her she hadn't eaten much for lunch. As she got into line for a hamburger and a Coke, her mouth watered. When she had her dinner in hand, she headed toward the grandstand, taking her time to browse the various vendor booths as she ate. She paused in front of a booth of handcrafted earrings that looked like four-leaf clovers, wondering if her luck was finally turning in the right direction. Not wanting to tempt fate, however, she didn't let go of any more of her money to buy a pair.

Instead, she glanced at her phone and saw that the opening ceremonies would be starting shortly. In fact, as she headed to find a seat, she noticed Savannah Baron riding toward the starting area for the barrel racers. Gretchen marveled at how easy she made riding look, as if she were one with the animal beneath her.

Gretchen's thoughts drifted to Matt, and her skin warmed at the thought of seeing him astride a horse. He had to have powerful legs to not only stay on a bucking horse, but to do it so well that he'd won world championships. She imagined how that strength and power would translate to the bedroom, and her heart started thumping harder at the mere idea.

With a shake of her head, she wadded up the paper wrapper her burger had come in and tossed it into one of the trash barrels as she walked alongside the grandstand.

The sound of laughter drew her attention, and she looked toward the pens where the bulls were awaiting the bull-riding event at the end of the night. Various cowboys decked out in jeans, chaps and Western-style shirts stood in groups, many of them surrounded by what she'd heard others call buckle bunnies, women who had the serious hots for rodeo cowboys.

As her gaze scanned the groups, she spotted Matt. The hamburger she'd just eaten sank like a cold, greasy stone in the pit of her stomach. The group of women around him was larger than any of the others, and as she watched, one of the women placed her hand on his chest and lifted onto her toes to whisper something into his ear.

Unable to watch anymore for fear he would reciprocate the woman's advances, she spun on her heel and hurried back the way she'd come, tossing her half-full cup in the trash with a resounding thunk.

She hurried to her car and drove away from the fairgrounds while scolding herself for getting caught up in the romantic fantasy that was Matt Evans. What had she been thinking?

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