~Chapter 1: The Guilt in Me

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~Kylie's POV:

I wake up every morning feeling guilty for keeping something from the people I love. But i'm definitly not feeling guilty for drinking and doing drugs because I actually enjoy it; It helps me relax in a way, especially weed! It makes me feel alive. I'm just so glad my parents don't know about this cause i'd be dead by now. At least grounded for the rest of my eternal life. Which I do not consider as a very good idea. I shook my head, snapping out of my thoughts. I dragged myslef out of bed, ugh. I waking up early, but todays an important day so might as well be in a good mood.

I quickly got into the shower and I was out in about 35 minutes.I blow dried by hair, then straitened it. I brushed my teeth, applied some foundation to my face, put some liquid eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick, and last but not least my lancome mascara! I love lancome mascara bacause it makes my eyes more beautiful than they are, I mean not that i'm bragging or anything ut what can I say, me Kylie Jenner has got some hot smokin' eyes. Haha i'm so weird.I went to my closet to choose my outfit, and ofcourse they were always a dope outfit. Today my outfit was some black leggings, cutout black shirt, my combat boots, a striped sweater around my waist, and my 'Dope' beanie.

I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs, when I saw Kendall eating breakfast. She said, "morning sis". and I replied with, "sup! whataya eatin?".

"Breakfast dumbass", Kendall said.

"no shit! I meant 'whataya eatin' as in more specific". We both laughed at our dumb arguement. Then she said, "so what are you up to right now?"

"Today's a special day, so me and the misfits are gonna chill later on".

"Oooh why special?" she cooed. "Just cause it is".

"Fine! Don't tell me!", she said mad. "Haha bye! See yah later". As I was heading to my baby, my Range Rover, I took my iphone and sick earbuds out and blasted 'Bitches Love Me' by Lil Wayne. I love that song, and after this song was 'Bitch Please' by Honey Cocaine! I love Honey Cocaine, I went to her concert last week and got to meet her. So yeah, today is a special day because the Misfits and I started smoking weed on this day but like 3 years ago. so we would go to our house that we have, which we called it 'The Misfits House', because we kind of have a "gang" except without guns and people dying being involved. We would go to our house and get high an drunk and just have a blast! No one knew about that house except the people in the Misfits gang, which were me, Stas, Lil Twist, Jordyn, Jaden, Pia, Wiz Khalifa, yes Wiz the rapper who's totally hot!

Well yeah, also Willow, Moises, Mateo, Zoe, and Hailey. Oh and the guys from Mindless Behavior were smoking with us but they were'n officially in the gang. Kendall, well she knows about the gang, the whole world does but they just don't know what we do. Yeah so Kendall isn't in the gang because of her extremely annoying overrated girlyness didn't fit in , no affence. I was driving to the house an I was really hungry. I didn't eat breakfast cause I usually smoke weed for breakfast but today I definitly smoked weed because either way it's basically our "aniversery" for the gang. After driving for what seemed to feel like an hour, I finally reached the house. I parked my baby and noticed that the rest of the gangs cars were already here which ment they probably got here a while ago.

That's when I noticed a Cadillac CTS-V parked also, which was weird cause no one had that car in the gang but whatever someone probably bought a new car and they sure do have a good taste in cars. I could here mine and the gangs favorite song 'Pussy Money Weed' by Lil Wayne, blast as I walked to the front door. I opened the door and the smell of weed made my mouth water. God it smelled good!

The whole gang were sitting down, dancing; I said 'wassup' to all of them, and Lil Twist told me he brought someone that wanted to join the gang. I was kind of like the leader with Jaden. He had this huge crush on me so he chose me. but he eventually got over his feelings for me. So I told Lil Twist "Alright who is it though??"

"Can he join or not?"

"Maybe, but I gotta see who it is"

My eyes grew wide like if I had seen someone get killed and my jaw dropped, it probably hit the floor..

I couldn't believe who I was looking at, I couldn't believe...Justin Bieber!? He wanted to join the gang! WTF! WHY? HOW?! He was a fucken innocent celebrity. Then I remebered that he had taken a hit once cause Lil Twist offered him some. I just blurrted out, "What the fuck! Justin Bieber?! Mr.Innocent wants to join the gang?!" I kind of yelled in a shocked and sarcastic tone, which made everyones attention get towards me. Justin just laughed at my reaction and smirked while saying, "Fan girl much?"

I scoffed, "Oh Please. Not even slightly". He kept that sexy smirk on his face that literally held sign saying "Kiss Me"..

Lil Twist said, "So can he join or not?" I looked over at Justin and decided it was my turn to play, I gave him my sexy smirk which made him shiver a little. PERFECT! "Well, I don't know. Is he tough enough to handle this." I said, gesturing my body with my hands.

"Oh trust me, I sure am baby" he said while winking at me. That did it! I felt my heart pounding and I shivered while his eyes tried to fucken murder me; literally loll. Oh get over it Kylie!! You cannot fall for Justin Bieber. He would never want a horrible girl like me. My heart clenched at the thought of that but I shook it off because I DO NOT! I repeat I DO NOT! like Justin that way. Friends we will be though.

I then spoke up, "Fine! I can't say no to someone as hot as you eitherway" I smirked, and he kept kept his gaze at me while smkirking as well. He had said a simple 'thanks' to me. Wow. really dude? Wiz made his way over to us and I could tell he was already high, as usual, which made me laugh a little. Wiz said to Justin, "Yo wuzz up bro! You up for some pot?". Justin looked a bit worried but then he put his tough act over it. Wow he sure is tough! I laughed in my head. They all looked at me like I was crazy, and I realized that I had laughed out loud actually. Oops! Justin said, "why are laughing weirdo?" "Oh nothing.." He gave me a weird look but then he covered it with a smile. Aww he's so cute when he smiles! OMG no I did not just say that. Wow I need some serious help.

We all went to the living room to the living room to start the party for us only though. It was a small low-key party for us only though. The house was a mansion. The good thing is that it was located at low-key places, which ment jo paparazzi and no drama. We all sat on the huge living room floor. I got some weed and put some on piece of paper, rolled it up and inhaled from my mouth. Damn! That felt good! I started to feel a bit funny and I began to laugh for no reason. The things my babies (weed) do to me. hahhahahaha! We all had a huge garden and most of it filled with Cannabis. I was always the one to take care of them because yes I treated them as my babies. Call me crazy but I gotta be myself. Almost everyone was high as fuck, except for Justin. He hasn't even taken a hit yet. Tough bieber my ass! But he wasn't the only one to not be high.

I passed the pot to Justin and told him, "want some? cause from what I see,....I don't see toughness". He furrowed his eye looking a bit mad. Out of nowhere I felt the pot being yanked fron my hands. I looked at Justin who was already inhaling. That's my boy! He coughed a bit because it was his second time and for me it was probably past 100th time. Yup I know it's inhealthy but I have no choice! It's so good and i'm already crazy addicted. I remeber my first time I took a hit, it burned so bad, I felt a rush of fire going down my chest into my lungs which made it hard to breath but I eventually got used to it. Finally Justin was now very high and so were the rest of us. We were all laughing at the littlest things. I was getting a bit bored all of a sudden, so I went to the balcony which was huge. I sat on the couch on the corner. I looked up at stars that were appearing and started counting them. I'm crazy. I started to think of my families reaction when they find out about all this. I was interupted from my thoughts by the sound of footsteps. I snapped my head towards the person coming and it was....Justin.

~Cliff hanger I know! Sorry.. :3 Did you like it?! Hope you did! Show your support by simply clicking the little VOTE button to the left of your screen! Follow me as well(: If anyone is willing to give me some advice on writing my stories, please do so. Thank you! Have a great day! (: Justins POV in next chapter!

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