chapter 2:them

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Chloe's POV*
Once Brent arrived I quickly got up got my bag and ran out of the door shouting bye to my mom.
I entered Brents car and he looked so happy "urm Brent, why do you look like you've just been asked out by Ariana grande" I curiously asked
"Well you know Elizabeth like the hottest girl in my maths class" he smiled, truly she wasn't hot but Brent really likes her and I'm definitely not ruining his mood "yep, carry on" I scrunched my nose up
"Well I asked her on a date and she said yes" he looked so cute when he's happy "awe bumble that's great" I said naming him by his nick name, his is bumble and mines loopy....don't ask
At school*
I got out of brents car and walked into the hallways to get to my locker. As I opened it someone jammed it on my fingers and it killed like a bitch. I turned to see jack Johnson stood there with a smirk on his face while all the rest of them where laughing at the fact that I had tears in my eyes from the pain. Jack opened my locker and let my fingers out. "Awe did someone hurt them selves. Let me make it better for you" Nash said then stamped on my hand. He got Aaron and Taylor to hold my arms up while he punched me three times in my stomach and then kneed me in the private parts. Then carter, Cameron, Hayes, jack g and shawn started booting me while matt just stood there watching with lots of emotions running through his mind. He didn't want to watch, I could clearly see it in his eyes. They finished and left me there bleeding to hell, it didn't hurt cause I was so use to it, they all just walked of and left me there. Then Casey and his best friend liam came running up to me. "Oh my God, Chloe why didn't you tell me they where bullying you, I would of done something about it" he cried as he picked me up bridal style " you know what, me and Casey are taking you for a makeover right now and tomorrow where gonna prove to everyone who you really are" liam said, me and liam did have a thing when I started year seven. We dated until Nash started beating me up and the rest of his "gang" so he dumped me "wait can we get Brent or at least tell him " ye liam please you go get him" asked Casey "hes in form, Mrs Bowmans room" I said. I really hope I can prove them wrong, I really do

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