chapter 18:Hello's

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Jake M's POV*
So yesterday Chloe rang me saying she was moving and right now me and Sam are at our new house waiting for her to call. I know Sam likes her And that's probably why he's so excited to see her. My thoughts got cut off by my phone ringing, I looked at the called Id and it was saffron (by the way for the people who didn't know Sam is Sam king an amazing youtuber and saffron is Jakes gf in real life....ew why did I say that by the way I love her)
Her:hey what you doing
Me:waiting for Chloe to call me so I can pick he up from the air port why?
Her:cause I wanted to hang out with you but can I come I don't want to seem glingy I just wanna see her so badly (and no she's not being sarcastic)
Me:oh sure come over to Sam's
Her:kk love you
Me:love ya too
Chloe's POV*
Once I had arrived I rang Jake but it went straight to voicemail so I texted Sam one of his best friends who I am literally in love with. He's just such a gentleman and I like him just as much as Jake but Jake can cope with that. He texted me back saying he was on His way but Jake won't be coming cause he was being lovey dove with saffron his gf. It actually made me angry cause he never told me and two that he forgot about me. But I Wont let it get to me.
Sam arrived finally and I ran up to him and hugged him. I had never really met him but he was even more gorgeous in person. I could just snog-woah wait stop thinking like that "um hello earth to Chloe"he whispered moving his hand in my face "oh hey Sam" 'jeez he's so gorgeous' I thought to myself "thanks" he said "hum what?" I asked confused "you just said I was gorgeous" he laughed "oh shizzle I said that out load" I asked "yep but you can't say much your self beautiful" omg he called me beautiful "thanks Sam" I said blushing "anytime" he winked getting into his car
*at Sam's*
We walked through the door to hear jake shouting Sam "here" Sam shouted making Jake and a drop dead gorgeous girl who could be a model run through the door "oh my go- CHLOE OMG HOW DID YOU GET HERE" Jake shouted running up to me picking me up into a bear hug "hi to you to Jake and Sam picked me up cause you weren't answering but I understand why and I'm not that bothered" I said to him "oh Chloe this is-" he got cut off by me "saffron nice to meet you, I can't say Jake has told me a lot about you cause he didn't tell me he even had a gf but your gorgeous, are you a model?" I asked/said "urm no and thanks I was kinda thinking of trying out for one but ive changed my mind, family and friends come before career" she smiled looking at Jake "urm so..." "Oh I'll show you your bedroom" sam said taking my hand and leading me upstairs "DONT DO ANYTHING I WOULDN'T DO" "so basically have sex is what your trying to say, oh Jake I'm sorry but me and Sam will not be planning on doing that for quite a while" I smirked knowing what was coming next "what do you mean a while" Jake said looking disgusted "by" I said running back to sam

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