An Old...Enemy?

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After a few frozen seconds, a glove clad hand reached down with her phone in it. While the action itself was not threatening, the little warning alarms in Sarah's brain began to ring at full force. She had the feeling of one who was about to lose a game they had not even realized they were playing.  Still, Sarah refused to look at him and, instead, she meekly took her phone, being careful not to touch the covered hand. 

Sarah had the horrible feeling that if she touched him, she would be under his power. After all, he had no power that she did not give to him. 

Knowing that he would not simply allow her to walk out of the bar, she finally looked up even though her instinct screamed out her to run. Sarah debated if she could make it to the door before he caught her, but then determined that she would not. Besides, Sarah gloomily thought, he would most likely enjoy the chase. Just as he was going to enjoy making a fool out of her. One did not stand in the Goblin King's presence without feeling like a clumsy simpleton. It simply was not done.

Tall black boots with grey trousers tucked in, a black vest and white poets shirt, his usual cloak, and of course the pendant. On any other being, mortal or otherwise, the costume would make the wearer look the fool. Sarah hated him all the more for being able to make such a look work. 

"Good evening." She said in a chillingly cold tone, and the face that had, for so long, haunted her nightmares broke into a smug grin. Sarah hated that grin. It was the grin he wore as he declared that she should go back to her room and forget about the baby. It was also the look he had flashed before he tossed the cleaners at her. It was, over all, an expression that declared nothing was about to go as she wanted it too. 

"Good morning, actually." He replied in a smooth voice that had evaded her memory. After no seeing him for such a time, Sarah was not braced for how he sounded. She thought she had remembered how his voice was, all edges and promises of broken boundaries, but she realized that her memory had proven a lie. His voice was smoother than she had thought, as if every word he said was the truth, but it also implied a danger that laid just beneath the surface. A danger which Sarah wanted little, if anything, to do with. 

"All the more reason to be in bed." Sarah stated, icily as she planned an escape route. When entering a room it was always best to check for all exits and plan a way to each. That way, in case of an immortal, ticked off, being appearing, an escape could always be had. 

Though Sarah soon realized that all of her careful planning had been for nought. The Goblin King was nothing if not thorough. 

"Is that an invitation?" The flowing voice was filled with amusement, as if he had seen where her eyes had been drown and found it humorous that she would try to escape him. 

"No, it is a dismissal." His laughter caught Sarah unaware and, to hide her discomfort, she stood and began to head for the door. She would not try to break one of the bar windows unless the most obvious exit was exhausted. The way to the door appeared to take eons, as if Sarah had to fight her way through molasses, and she debated if she could throw something at the King who watched her.

Sarah could feel his gaze on her back, it seemed to burn a hole between her shoulder blades, and she, desperately, wanted to throw a bar stool at him. Or, at least, hit him upside the head with one. Perhaps that would show him that he held no power over her. Only, when she reached the door, Sarah found that, while he held no power over her, he did have power over the door and the employee. Both, of which, were frozen in time. As she had suspected the Goblin King was not going to simply allow her to walk away. Such a pity. 

If he was going to annoy her, then Sarah would do her damnest to be a thorn in his immortal side. 

"Did you think I would make it so easy for you?" The Fae spoke from right behind her. Too close for comfort as the man from earlier had. Yet he did not yet touch her, at least he did not break that boundary, though Sarah knew he would not keep away for long. Even when she had run the Labyrinth, though she had been too young to understand it, Sarah had sensed the tension that poured off the Goblin King. During her time in his kingdom, he had restrained himself to a dance, Sarah doubted he would pay her the same curtesy twice.

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