A Deal With the Devil

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"Why Sarah I had no idea you would be so accommodating." Jareth declared as he quickly caught her hands, that had been attempting to choke him, and drew her flush against him. 

"I am going to kill you, Goblin King." Sarah snarled as she tried to free her hands and then moved to knee the immortal being. 

"Tsk, tsk, little mortal. Don't you know to respect your betters?" Jareth taunted as he twisted her so that her back was pressed into his chest, and her knees were a safe distance from his manhood. 

"You may be immortal, but you are not my better. What have you done with Rachel?" Sarah demanded as she forewent any pretense of calm. 

"Nothing that she would have disagreed to." Came his frustratingly calm reply and Sarah hated the fact that he could keep his facade of calm when she had lost control.

"I want to see her, you have no right to-"

"I have every right, after all, she did wish herself away to me." Jareth interrupted her and then leant forward to speak in her ear "Some people are a little less cautious with their wishing." Sarah tried to ignore how close he was to her. Even in the Labyrinth he had kept his distance except for the time in the ball room. 

"If she wished herself away then shouldn't she be able to run your Labyrinth to win herself back?" Sarah questions as she attempts to twist away from Jareth, but only succeeds in causing him amusement. 

"She could if she wanted to." Sarah knew better than to assume her fun loving friend would risk the Labyrinth.

"Could I run in her place?" She had the feeling that she could but Jareth wouldn't let her. 

"For a price." Comes his ready reply. 

"And what would be the price?" Sarah questions as Jareth releases her and she turns to face him. 

"I'll let her go if you agree to my proposition, the one that you so rudely refused to hear." 

"I heard it I just didn't agree to it." Sarah points out and then tries to figure out exactly what she had lost in the Labyrinth. There had been her ring, but that answer did not seem right. 

"Agree and Rene will be released." 

"Her name is Rachel and I want to know more about your proposition, after all last time you were rather vague. What is it I am supposed to be finding? Is there a time limit? What will the prize be when I win or the consequences if I were to lose?" Sarah questions and the cold king's grin grew. 

"Sarah, Sarah what would be the fun in telling you? This is the price I place before you in order to free your friend. Will you be to selfish to take the offer or are you going to do the right thing?" Not that he knew the difference between right from wrong.  

"And I am just supposed to trust that you will keep your word?" Sarah questions as she glares at the Fae. If looks could kill he would be burned at the stake, but he would enjoy every moment of it. 

"I am a king." Jareth states as if that answers all the questions that are forming in her head. 

"You are a Fae, known for being untrustworthy and mischievous." Sarah helpfully reminds him.

"Unfortunately you are not in the position to barter." He helpfully reminds her. 

"I hate you."

"I know." 

"I am going to win."

"You can try."

Sarah really hated the Goblin King. 

"Do we have an accord?" Jareth questions innocently as he holds out his hand for her to shake. The words spoken in every Star Wars movie rings in her head "I've got a bad feeling about this".

"Fine, we have an accord." Sarah says gloomily as she places her hand in his, only to be pulled forward and kissed.  If Sarah had ever assumed kissing the Goblin King would be a gentle matter she was completely wrong, not that she ever thought about kissing him... 

Jareth was forceful and demanding, and when he pulled away he left Sarah in a slight daze. 

"Good luck, you are going to need it." Jareth states as Sarah's vision once more goes dark and she feels herself falling. 

A/N: Just a short chapter but I should be updating later tonight. I won't be able to tomorrow bc I'm going to the state fair for my next level of 4-h judging and will not be home all day. 

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