The Wished Away

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Sarah sat in the middle of the couch fort that she and Toby had made and watched Song of the Thin Man, Toby had fallen asleep a while past. It wasn't quite past seven but Toby had stayed up late the other night waiting to see if Sarah was going to come home and had woken up earlier than he was used to.

It was at times like this when Sarah was completely consumed by guilt at what she had almost done to him. If she hadn't remembered the words, if she had been a few minutes later...but Sarah could not live her life in "if" she had to constantly remind herself that Jareth had not won, she had. She had faced the Labyrinth and returned victorious, she had sacked the Goblin City and broken the castle, she was the victor, not Jareth.

Though, at times, it did not feel as if she had won.

At times it felt as if her nightmares would become real and she would loose her little brother, that the life she was living was a dream and one day she would wake up. But Sarah could not keep dwelling on the past for if she did she was certain to go mad.

Toby rolled over in his sleep so that he faced his sister and Sarah could not help but smile at him. While sleeping, he was the picture of innocence, though, she knew that when he was awake his was always plotting some prank.

Sarah stretched out and felt sleep steal over her, it had been a long day, and she was still tired from the drive over. A little nap couldn't hurt...

She ran, frightened but sure of her steps, she had to get to the pool or all would be lost. The curse had to be lessened, for she had not the strength to reverse it. She could give her beloved a chance at breaking it and returning to her side. But first she had to get to the Pooka pool. Once more her vision was clouded but she knew the forest as she knew her own heart. After what seemed to be ages of running she found the stones that surrounded the pool. Falling to her knees she thrust her hand into the cool water and found the dagger hidden there.

The dagger was a tooth from the last great sea serpent and was sharper than any blade forged in fire. Without hesitating she stepped into the waist deep pool and thrust the dagger into her stomach. Freeing her life blood she spoke the incantation that would protect her people and her beloved. Falling to her knees she rested against the rocks that surrounded the pool and waited for death to take her.

She could hear splashing before strong arms encircled her body and she was brought into the embrace of her beloved. He tried to remove the dagger but with her little strength she stopped him. She was too weak to even open her eyes, but she knew the expression he would wear would be one of fear-a fear of losing her. She had once sworn that she would never leave his side, that she would forever remain, and it broke her heart to break her word. 

"It has to be this way, or else my spell will not be completed." Already the water was turning gold with her blood and she could feel the ancient magic of her people in the air.

Sarah bolted awake in a cold sweat and lifted her shirt to look at her stomach. She was fine,the skin was unmarred except for a small birth mark.

Really, what had she excepted? A dagger sticking out of her stomach?

Sarah heard a car door open and close before the front door unlocked and Irene walked in.

"Robert's just putting the car in the garage. Did you two have fun?" Irene asked as Toby rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Come on, little man, it's time for bed." Sarah commanded as she nodded to Irene and then picked up her little brother. He was no longer the light toddler and was a healthy weight for his age, but Sarah could still carry him, for now.

"Do you have to go back?" Toby mumbled as Sarah tucked him in to the newly bought "big kid bed". Toby had outgrown the little race car bed that had been his prized possession until he got too big. 

"Yes, but there is only a few more weeks left of school; I'll be back before you know it." Sarah promised as she kissed his forehead and then left the room. Sarah paused before she shut the door and smiled and at the image her little brother made. Once the door was shut, Sarah traced the faint ward she had applied in clear nail polish. It was effect, if silly, and Irene never had to know about it. 

After saying her goodbyes and picking up her overnight bag, Sarah found herself driving back to her dorm.

Within an hour it began to rain and soon it was coming down so heavily that Sarah was forced to pull over or risk an accident. With her hazards on, Sarah sat in her car and attempted to figure out if it would be worth driving.

Luckily, her phone still had a signal and she texted Rachel a warning that she may not be in class the next morning. The only classes she had on Monday mornings were her elective classes such as drama and photography. 

It was some time before Ana texted Sarah back and Sarah could only look at her phone in complete horror when she did.

Ana and Rachel had, once more, gone club hopping. Only this time she was not with them and Ana had sent her a picture message of Rachel and a man grinding upon the dance floor. A man that looked very much like a certain Fae King.

Sarah was going to kill him, no first she would kill Rachel, then she would kill them both. 

Yes, the Goblin King had threatened to go after her friends but she had hoped...what had she hoped? That he would not deliver on his threat? That her friends would have more common sense then to dance with a handsome stranger? 

Still, Sarah had the uneasy feeling that Jareth was doing more than dancing, after all, he had power over her friends. They were unaware of the fact that the Fae were real and highly dangerous. They were also unaware of how to protect themselves against his ilk. 

There was only one thing she could to do protect her friends...

"I wish to speak with the Goblin King, right now." Sarah groaned as she hit her head against the steering wheel and debated if she should drive off a cliff or speak with him. She waited but nothing happened, she was still alone in her rented car. Looking at her phone, she noticed that Anna had texted her back. 

"Hey, I can't find Rachel and I'm going to head back to the dorms." 

Sarah was going to kill the Goblin King, but first she would have to speak with him. 

Very well, if he would not come to her, she would have to go to him. 

"I wish the goblins would take me to their King, right now." A feeling of complete dread filled her entire body, but nothing happened. Sarah fumed as she debated if she could skin a Fae.  

"Of course not, because that would be too easy." Sarah grumbled as she reclined her chair, it was too dangerous to drive so she might as well take a nap. 

Only, she suddenly had that horrible feeling of falling and not being able to stop herself. Sarah opened her eyes in alarm to be greeted by complete darkness and she was still falling. 

She, suddenly, hit the ground and  her eyes, which she had once more closed, flew open. Though this time it was not darkness that greeted her but the mocking smile of an annoying Goblin King. 

"It took you long enough." Jareth said with his strange accent as he peered at the confused mortal that sat upon the ground. Sarah blinked and then, with a scowl, she launched herself at the Goblin King. 

She would kill him. 

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