Chapter 1

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A/N: I really needed a fic where I can get Stiles and Stuart to bicker and if it's over Lydia, the better. Stuart will only resemble the character from 'The Internship' in looks and sass – this is not a crossover of any sort. His background story will be related to TW and our characters.

Post S4, mostly canon aside from Allison being alive because I'm still in denial and Isaac also being back. There will be lots of angst and jealousy and Stydia feelings. It's a slow burn, so you're warned.

= As of January 2019, this story is ON HOLD, and so it will be picked up once some of the on-going stories are finished. =


It's almost ten in the morning when Lydia arrives to Beacon Hills from her trip to France where she spent the summer, ready to start senior year. By now, she already parted ways with Allison, Isaac and Mr. Argent, who went straight to see their friends. As for Lydia, she decided to stop by the grocery store on her way home to get a slice of her favorite pie so that she can kill that homesick feeling that she had for those two months when she was away. Meet the pack right away? No, thank you. She'll avoid it for as long as she can. She'll get her pie, drive home and make herself comfortable, relax, enjoy the silence...

Not. Of course the first person she'd see when she got back would be him. Karma's a bitch, right?

Lydia freezes as soon as she hears his voice. It's been two whole months since she saw him last and heard the voice of her former best friend. Stiles must be about 20 feet away from her and he's arguing with someone. Figures. She tries to walk in a slow pace to reach the end of the aisle she's currently in but her nerves get the best of her and she finds herself almost running. As soon as she lays eyes on him, she feels the need to shorten the distance between them and hug him even if it might hurt her further. She missed him to death. Her heart became both heavier and lighter with each passing day she was away from him. She knew it was for the best that she left, but she couldn't help the feeling that she was throwing her life away somehow. Yet, Stiles was the one asking her to leave, so she did.

She had taken the offer from Allison to visit France along with the girl's boyfriend and her dad. The brunette knew that Lydia could use the distraction and they ended up staying all summer on one of the Argents' properties. It was hard for Lydia to leave but she had to make a decision. If she had stayed, it would have been harder on both her and Stiles and the boy had pulled her strings, making it easier for her to choose to leave. He only talked to her once for the entirety of those two months, right when the group landed in Paris and just to make sure they (and not Lydia specifically) got there okay. All she heard about him for the rest of her vacation she was told by the others.

Lydia doesn't know what hurt her the most: knowing that she had to leave or that Stiles was the one who asked her to. But she got herself together and she's better now; she doesn't need him. Or does she? Because she's looking at him right now and she's not so sure. Bad as it was when they argued the last time they were together – yelling and crying swiftly cross her mind -, she's willing to forgive him just so she can talk to him again. Hell, he's forgiven already.

She gets closer cautiously. His back is facing her so he hasn't seen her yet. She first notices how tall he looks. He was already tall, of course, and probably didn't grow that much in the last two months; maybe she just missed how much taller he is in comparison to her. And he's wearing glasses, she notices, which is odd. No one in the pack mentioned that. Also, his hair looks a little different but he still looks good; he always looks good to her. Phone in his hand, he's disagreeing with a woman. If she hadn't heard the sound of her own voice, even if barely, Lydia wouldn't acknowledge that she actually spoke. "Stiles?"

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