Chapter 2

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As soon as she gets in her car with the boy, Lydia puts her phone on speaker so she can talk to Scott while driving. The alpha answers at the third ring, extremely excited to see that the banshee is calling him so soon. He knew she didn't want to face everyone right away but hell, he'll try and make it happen. Stiles didn't have such a great summer either and Scott knows this thing between them will need a solution and fast or it'll blow in their faces. "Hey, Lydia." He tries to take advantage of the fact that he is with his best friend to see how they'll both react. "Wait, let me put you on speaker."

"No, Scott. Don't!" she asks to no avail. Lydia can already hear other voices more clearly and no, not just in her head.

"Oh, come on Lydia. Everyone is excited to hear from you." Emphasis on the word everyone.

She can hear the smile in his voice but this is not the time. "McCall, off speaker, now."

Before Lydia can help it, Stuart speaks, looking at her with a stunned expression. "McCall? Scott McCall? I know him."

Lydia still whispers a No, trying to get the boy next to her to not say anything else, but Scott, of course, heard and it wasn't just him. "Lydia?" he asks, inquisitive.

Almost at the same time, Stiles speaks too. "Who's that?"

Lydia's breath catches in her throat when she hears him. It's been too long. She is sure Stiles recognized the voice the same way Stuart did. Stuart looks at her and whispers "Is that..."

Lydia nods. "Scott, off speaker, right now!"

She hears muffled noises and assumes the Alpha is doing as he is told. In the meantime, she asks Stuart to keep quiet. When Scott finally says something again – after having to distance himself from Stiles who's actively trying to listen in -, he sounds concerned. "Lydia, what's going on?"

"Where are you?"

"The loft. Why?"

"Who's with you?"

"Only Derek and Stiles, but Isaac and Allison should be arriving any minute now. Why?"

Stuart shifts on his seat and he must have recognized someone else's name but as he promised to Lydia, he keeps his mouth shut. "Something happened. I'll be there in five but I'll need you downstairs before I go in. I'm taking someone with me."


"I'm not sure how to tell you. It'll be easier if you see for yourself, I think. But Stiles can't come with you."

Scott has to once again step away from his best friend, who heard the banshee say his name. "Lydia..."

"This is not about Stiles and I, Scott, but it is about him. Five minutes, downstairs. Maybe bring Allison with you. Someone needs to make sure Stiles doesn't come down."

"Then we're doing it the other way around and I'll leave Allison with him. There's no way he'll be alone with Derek and Isaac."

"Alright, fine. In the meantime, call everyone."

"Everyone?" His tone is a little panicked.

"Oh god, Scott, yes. What did I just tell you?" She's growing exasperated, edgy. The thought of seeing the actual Stiles so soon is not working so well for her. She smiles apologetic at Stuart, who remains quiet.

Scott gets worried. "Lydia, is this something supern-"

"Scott!" she interrupts him. If Stuart picked up on what Scott was going to say, he doesn't show it. "Just... Do as I told you. I'll be right there."

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