Chapter 3

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At Derek's words, Scott and Isaac become more alert while Lydia just looks from Derek to her car. Almost at the same time Derek noticed the scent of the supernatural creature, Stuart opened the door and got out of the vehicle.

"So, you actually meant a pack? I thought it was just an expression. Hell of a coincidence but still... You run with wolves?" the boy asks skeptic, making his way towards Lydia cautiously.

Lydia meets him halfway but she walks alone. Her three werewolves are frozen in place looking at a boy they could swear they just left in the building behind them. "You're a werewolf?" she asks, her voice a little faint. "Why wouldn't you tell me that?"

"Why would I? No offense, but in good honesty I don't know you, remember?" he says, blushing slightly.

"Oh, right." He's got a point. "Okay, so this is weirder than I thought..." Lydia turns around to look for her pack but they are still a few steps away from her, dumbstruck. She encourages Stuart to walk with her. "Guys, this is who I was telling you about. Looks like Stiles, sounds like him but obviously is not. His name is Stuart."

As the group gets closer, Derek's eyes are still glowing, as are Isaac's and Scott's now. In reaction, Stuart's eyes brighten up to a beautiful shade of yellow, something Lydia never thought she'd see on Stiles' features. Stuart himself is speechless at the sight of the pack.

Derek is the first one to react. "You're a beta."

The boy stutters, tilting his head like he's trying to figure something out, his eyes turning to their chocolate color. "Derek? Your eyes, they... They were red but now... H- How?"

Everyone looks at Stuart abruptly. Derek gets edgy and steps forward, but Lydia comes between him and Stuart. No one will be hurting the boy on her watch. "How did you know that?" Derek asks.

Stuart doesn't move, afraid he'll initiate a fight. "I- I know you. Well, other you, I guess. You're my Alpha." No one answers to that. "And I knew a Scott too, but you look different," he adds looking at Scott.

Isaac is awed. "But Stiles..." He looks back at the building. "I- He... I don't understand."

Derek turns to face Lydia, waiting for some sort of an explanation. She just shrugs her shoulders. "I found him and thought he was Stiles. He's not. Figured he should be out of the streets before someone else found him. Now, can we go inside? This is really not a conversation to be having out in your parking lot."

Derek considers it for a brief moment, glancing at Scott for instructions. He doesn't know why but he doesn't distrust the kid and let's face it, Derek rarely trusts anyone so that's something. But Scott is the Alpha after all, even when he's still looking at his best friend – no, a copy of him apparently – dazzled.

"Is he gonna stop staring?" Stuart asks Lydia timidly, hiding his hands in his pockets to disguise his nervousness. "It's making me feel a little self-conscious."

Lydia snaps her fingers in front of Scott. "Hey. Scott, we need to move. We are out in the open and we don't know what's going on."

Scott shakes his head, rearranging his thoughts. "Of course, right. Let's go."

They walk in silence towards the building. Lydia stands beside Stuart, sometimes pursing her lips in a smile to encourage the boy. Derek walks on the other side of Lydia, just in case something happens. Scott and Isaac are pacing in front of them, Scott trying not to look back at the form of who is not his best friend and Isaac doing the exact opposite, sneaking glances every now and then like he's making sure his mind is not playing a trick on him.

When they're by the entrance of Derek's building, Lydia makes them stop. "Wait. What do we tell Stiles? How do we do it?"

Everyone turns to Scott. "Why are you all looking at me?" he asks. "I have no idea what's going on."

"Well, neither do I," Lydia replies. "But I'm pretty sure he'll freak out." All of them agree with her words not only because of Stiles but because it's more of a general feeling.

"Maybe Scott and Isaac can go in first," Derek suggests, "and..."

"Oh, I'm staying with Lydia," Isaac offers immediately. "I'm not leaving her side in there." Lydia smiles appreciatively. She grew closer to Isaac over the summer and both he and Allison know what she went through after what happened with Stiles. Isaac makes his way to her side and holds Lydia's hand, turning towards her. "Actually, I don't think you should go in. Maybe it's too soon," he says in a hushed tone. "You don't have to see him right away..."

Lydia squeezes Isaac's hand in return. It's something they've grown comfortable with when Lydia would cry before she went to sleep some nights during the last two months. Both, either Isaac or Allison, would keep her company as she cried silently, thinking about things. And it wasn't a desperate cry – that was what the first week was about -, but Lydia couldn't help it. She felt sad, she felt hollow and it was her way of dealing with everything. They'd hold her hand and talk to her about other things to distract her. She was nothing but grateful to them. "I think it's okay. I'd have to see him eventually. And I did, sort of. I mean it was Stuart, but still... I- I just..." She turns to Scott. "I don't think I can talk to him."

"But Lydia, you'll have to talk," Scott tries. It breaks his heart seeing two of his best friends like this. "You don't know what it's been like..."

Lydia is about to interrupt his speech but Isaac beats her to it. "Neither do you. If Lydia wants to go upstairs it's her decision, but you can't make her talk to him. And if he tries something, he'll have to deal with me. Also Allison. And he should be scared of Allison, she got new daggers."

Lydia looks up at Isaac almost proud. Take her two years back in her life and she wouldn't have all the friends she has now. Then again, she wouldn't be in this mess either. "I'm glad that Stuart isn't Stiles, no offense," she says gesturing towards Stuart.

He's taken by surprise that someone's talking to him. He was engrossed in the pack's interactions. "Oh, none taken."

She continues. "At the store I felt like something was off. Even if he sounded like Stiles and looked like him, he..." She tightens the grip on Isaac's hand. "Stuart wasn't looking at me like I know Stiles will. And I don't know if I can handle that, Scott, let alone talk to him. Like, really talk."

Stuart addresses her. "Hey. If this is about me, you don't have to come. I can go with just them if they're okay with it." Lydia seems unsure. "I really need to figure out what's going on and if you're a pack and evidently know about the supernatural, you guys might be my best chance at getting some answers to what's happening. But that doesn't necessarily mean you have to come along..."

She interrupts him. "I'm the one who found you. I'm not leaving you."

"If that's set I think we should start moving and fast," Derek mumbles. "I think I can hear Allison and Stiles arguing."

With reluctant nods, the group heads upstairs.

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