Time is of a virtue

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It's a very precious thing.

It has many meanings.

At least that's what I am told. For me. Well, time is filled with either fear or regret. You either fear doing something or you regret doing it.

See I regret the I never told my sister Annabelle that our parents were getting divorced. I remember her sun kissed skin turning into porcelain as they told her. Quite frankly the thing I feared the most was their divorce, they seemed so happy and content but I guess nothing lasts forever.,

It's ironic that the very thing we fear we regret not doing something about it. So what do I regret the most today? Waking up 15 minutes late for my new job at Sky offices. It's quite a strange and tragic feeling when your face makes contact with the stone cold floor and what feels like a tail. Probably a tail. Most likely poppy, the family dog. Well the parts I haven't smothered or squashed.

"Ainslie Charlotte Drew! If you're not downstairs in five minutes you can find your own way to work!" That ladies and gentlemen was the thunder from the legend of a man himself, my dad. "Ugh. I'm trying. I just need one more day...maybe a year." I grunted, with grace of course.

After getting showered and dressed I swayed my way to the bottom of the stairs. "I'm done. I think...well I'm dressed I guess that should be good enough." I said as I stared down at my black necktie. "See Claire. You can try and teach her how to be graceful but beauty is something that just can't be taught." My ever so loving father chuckled while ruffling. I repeat. Ruffling my hair that took me a solid fifteen seconds to do.

"Good morning Ainslie." Sang Claire. The thing about Claire is she's by far the definition of someone who tries a little too hard to be different. However she buys me doughnuts and doesn't tell on me to my dad about my midnight feasts so she's kinda ok. I guess.

"Morning," I replied ,"where's Belle?" I began scanning the room for my reliable alarm clock.
"Walked to school with her friends." I quietly nodded in understanding while scoffing down the bacon sandwich laid in front of me.

"Well we're going. See you later Claire Bear." I think I may have vomited. Correction. I know I've just vomited. Sadly I've had to deal with this for three years straight. But I guess its better than living alone or travelling with my mother and her fiancé Robert. The best friend of billionaire George Sky.

"First job jitters?" Dad asked as we backed out of the driveway.

"More like lack of caffeine jitters. The only reason I accepted this is because you refused to buy me a car." I replied. To be honest even I knew that I'd never get a car for my birthday but it was worth the shot. However I didn't expect Robert to offer me a place at his offices. If I'm honest when I first met him I thought he was bit of a self absorbed arse.But you know. People change and all that.

"I know you're not happy about this but you're turning eighteen and you need to learn how to take care and provide for yourself."

"You know you could always need a babysitter for Annabelle. She's only a wee child." I batted my lashes.

"Good try but Annabelle is thirteen. Two,Poppy would probably make a better babysitter. Number three you can't wake yourself up. And last of all Claire can look after her."

"Worth a try" I mumbled as I fidgeted with my seatbelt.

As we drove around the infested streets of New York I couldn't help but drag my eyes over the same old buildings covered in posters of models draped in the finest clothes and jewellery. I don't know why anyone would post pictures of models wearing Victoria's secret. I mean aren't they meant to be a secret, they might as well call it Victoria revealed or something.

Everyday in NYC is different except when you get back home. The only thing different about today was the music playing. Normally we'd listen to Claire and Annabelle attempt to sing along to Meghan Trainor. Much to me and my dads displeasure. But today we listened to the sweet vocals of Patrick Stump.

"And you're a cherry blossom." Hummed my dad.

"You're about to bloom. " I finished.

"You look so pretty, but you're gone so soon." We sang. To be honest the people of New York didn't care much for our ever so sass filled performance. This is the other thing about time it was filled with Joy.


Hey Reader's it's KissmeKate here.

I plan on updating every other night at least with the next month or so and I plan on the book being finished by October the latest hopefully hope you've enjoyed the beginning.

What do you guys think about the book so far. Comment in the section below and I'll see you guys soon. xoxo

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