Take me away from here

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So I don't really know where to start with this day except from the beginning, which would be the obvious answer. I woke up for the prison of dreams otherwise know as school and got half ready, the emotional part of me wasn't really co-operating so I ended wearing all black and makeup that resembled a racoon. I made rocket the racoon look like a god. If you don't know who that is I suggest you take a long look in the mirror and go and watch guardians of the galaxy while scolding yourself on why you should feel ashamed of your movie choices.

Any way I'm halfway down the stairs when I remember the deal I made yesterday with the devil himself and his angelic brother. So instead of working in an office I get to babysit an arsehole.

Seems straightforward all I have to do is make sure he doesn't end up getting thrown out of school.


It seems that, that wasn't as easy as I thought once I'd reached lunch. The little shit managed to get himself in trouble in science for disturbing the class which probably meant that he had a detention. Which I normally wouldn't give a damn about but it turned out I had to look after him until six today as he had practice after school and his brother said that he's more likely to get in trouble after school than being in school. So lucky me gets to stay with him till he finishes. Thank god baseball season finishes in October otherwise I'd be in tears.

So that's how I found myself sitting at his table at lunchtime and trying to avoid the eyes of our schools drama queen, Lauren, who was now glaring daggers at me and my friend Indigo. Our school's best female athlete otherwise known as the lion you'd not poke with a stick. Although if I'm honest who in their right mind would poke a lion with a stick thats like asking to be killed because if theres one thing everyone hates it's being poked with a stick. Indigo was speaking, I mean flirting with Chad, another friend of ours who quite frankly was the most hilarious guy .

It wasn't until Tyler and his entourage arrived did I begin feel Lauren's daggers been set on fire and then being aimed at me for I was the unlucky soul sat next to Tyler's friends.

"You do know that shooting someone a dirty look is meant to be a little more subtle Lauren. Although,I believe research has found that a majority of girls like you struggle to understand words like subtle." Indigo said while keeping a straight face. Never in my life have I ever felt like laughing so hard. My face turned beetroot red and before I joined the chorus of laughter around me.

"Shut up Violet." Snapped Lauren whose face by the way resembled Clifford the big red dog.

"How insulting." Indigo mimicked.

"How is it that your friend is so funny and you're just...you." Tyler whispered.

"How is it that your friends are so charming and you're just...you." I mimicked.

"Oh please, if I remember it clearly you were the one who was drooling at my shirtless glory." By this point my jaw had lost function.

"You-your uh despicable." I grunted back at him while I dived into my lunch.

"I'd like to think you can do better than despicable. Maybe I could help you out after school." He smirked wiggling his eyebrows.

Jackass wouldn't even do justice to what I felt towards him right now. He was a complete and utter di....

"Ains are you even listening to me right now." Whined Indie while also punching my arm.

"Yeah, I was just a little distracted by uhm..."

"Tyler. Typical. How Typical of you to have such a petty crush on the typical bad boy quarter back type. Like I thought so much better of you." She silently scolded me, while Tyler smirked at me from across the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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