Tempt me

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So here we go again. I could repeat to you guys how my morning went but I kind of can't remember most of it. From what I recall I woke up to someone or something licking my face. To be honest I hoped it wasn't Annabelle but someone on the lines of oh I don't know. Poppy. At least I hoped it wasn't Annabelle, my thoughts were confirmed when the panting and drool began.

I really hope the drool was only on my cheek. After getting ready and taking my laptop downstairs I began flipping through Facebook and twitter. Passing by meaningless pictures and what can only be described as ridiculous posts.

That amount of cleavage should be illegal I'm telling you. My browsing was put on hold after a car beeped from outside. I guess somebody's in a rush I mumbled to myself as I peaked through the blinds. To only be greeted by a black SUV that looked like it belonged to the CIA.

And then it hit me.


The car was for me and I was sat in my hello kitty slippers and jogging bottoms and a t-shirt that I'm surprised wasn't thrown in the bin by my parents. I ran for the stairs and headed straight to my black skinny jeans and a pair of white converse that would have to do.

By the time I reached downstairs a man was stood in the hallway waiting for me. If I'm going to be truthful he didn't really seem like a kind person he just looked...cold. After a few minutes of me getting my things together I headed for the car. I just wished that he wouldn't notice that I'm wearing a t-shirt that said 'God Regrets you'. If i'm honest I bought the shirt for  joke purposes and now I'm just kinda in love with it. I was too busy occupied in my thoughts in the car to realise the car had slowed down in front of a pair of gates.

I hadn't even seen the house and I already wished to live here. Each side of the drive had a tree planted every meter or so. And at the end of the twisting road was a water fountain that could only be described as swanky. But not as swanky or breath taking as the house it self.

A tall man with dark hair made his way down the stairs. If I were to guess this was most likely Tyler's older brother aka my boss. Unlike his father he looked tense and a little up tight. Not a great impression there sir.

"Hi, theres been a slight change of plans. Could you give me an hour to talk my brother out of this." He said whilst looking as what can only be described as worried.

"Yeah sure." I automatically replied. I probably should've asked talked him out of what specifically but curiosity killed the cat y'know.

Even the ground looked immaculate I thought as a followed him up to the stairs to the doors.

"There you are Sean I see you've got me an assistant." Called out a voice from the second floor balcony.

" You can go into the living room on your right. The kitchen is just straight forward and you can help yourself to anything. If you need any help call and Laura will be with you in a few seconds."

"Okie dokie." Idiot. What person says okie dokie to their boss. I know this idiot right here.

He ran up the stairs and met his brother. Who by the way was leaning over the banister in his shirtless glory. Yup that's right and he was staring right at me. I quickly scuttled to the living room to avoid his view.

Now here's what I can tell you about this marvellous house. It was nothing short of comfortable while remaining expensive. Expensive light pieces hung from the ceiling. Even the ceilings were detailed with patterns and artwork. The walls in the living room were flawless and covered in family pictures. The sweet designs on the cushions really made the house feel like a home.

I'd been sat down for around forty-five minutes before someone walked in. "I hate to tell you this but if Tyler told you he'd see you soon, he's already gotten what he's after." Sarah spoke from the door holding her heels and in yesterday's outfit.

If there's one thing I hate the most is a nosy mean girl with a fettish for hurting those who've done nothing to them. "I'm here for Sean," what it doesn't hurt to play with her does it?

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise and she walked out the room.

"Well it seems like I can't make my brother see eye to eye. So Ainsley this is your new boss." Sean spoke while gesturing to Tyler. Surprised was among a chorus of words I would've used right now. Most of them consisted of holy mother of Jesus and shit.

"I was told I was going to be your assistant not your brothers." I argued. I probably looked like a goldfish.

"Wouldn't you prefer me Paisley." He winked.

"It's Ainslie. Get it right you'd think Sofia was killing your brain cells." Sean swung for Tyler's head. From what I could tell Sean was the one with the brain and Tyler was the spoilt brat.

"I'm sorry Ainslie, but I originally did need an assistant but I didn't require one anymore as I've chosen to travel for a few months before I finish off my studies and take over half of the company." Said Sean.

"So I haven't got a job." I replied.

"Not exactly, Tyler lost a bet and I said he needed someone to take care of him while I'm gone. To keep him out of trouble."

"I'm more than capable of looking after myself." Complained Tyler.

I sniggereed. "What was that?"

"I'm sorry but from what I've heard and seen. It's a miracle you're alive." I laughed.

"Really and what have you heard then?"

"I've seen you skip class to catch up with one of your lady friends. I've heard that you and your friends played a couple of drinking games and it ended up with one of you streaking across central park. I am sure that isn't the worst, if you gave me some time or asked one of you're lady friends they'd probably fill your brother in." I smirked and mentally high fived myself for getting those words out without stuttering. Or staring at his chest which by the way was still not covered. Even Sean laughed at his brothers many mistakes.

"Know it all." Muttered Tyler.

"Do I still get paid for keeping him out of trouble at school?" I asked.

"Yup and extra for weekends."

"Deal but if your brother does anything stupid I'm not to blame. You can lead a donkey to water but you can't force it drink." I replied.

"What bull..."

"Tyler, lady in the room."

"Where?? I don't see one, and quite frankly I don't think a lady wears a t-shirt that say God regrets you. Although I find it hilarious and cute in that scary chick who probably has a stick her arse kind of way." Tyler smiled.

"I feel like I'm obliged to hit you. But I have a job to keep you out of harms way and trouble so you've gotten lucky."


I know I'm about three days late and I apologise I've had some business to take care of.

And I've spent my week trying to get my plan for the story together before I continued.

I hope you guys are enjoying the book. Don't forget to vote and like the story and leave me a little comment in the section below. And do not forget to follow me for updates.

So Peace and love my lovelies,


Ainslie DrewWhere stories live. Discover now