Ticking Time Bomb

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There are many things people say you should be grateful for. This was one of them. It turns out that most of the assistants were either in college of finishing college and the others were people who'd been with the company for years.

I spent most of the day filing the work Mr Sky wanted removed from the offices into storage. And the rest was spent on talking to Sofia about Collage. Which is actually more interesting than you think if I'm honest. Would you have known that Chloe was cheating on Brad? Neither would I but hey you learn something new everyday. 

So apparently George was meant to turn up at the end of the day to check on how I was doing but trust me. I think I was happier now that the day was over.

"Whose been working in my office?!" Or maybe not. "Sofia call security I want this person removed immediately!"
"I'm so sorry I thought that. I was told to-to sort through this."
And then he laughed. Like full on Santa Claus Ho! Ho! Hi! Laughed.
If my face didn't deserve to be turned into a meme it did now more than ever. Who the duck pranks a seventeen year old. I mean I know that I at times can be a smidgen annoying but come on I'm not one worth of such a prank. 

"Hi, I'm George you must be the unlucky young girl whose going to be my son's assistant. Although you do seem quite young. Do you mind if I ask how old you are?"

"I'm seventeen sir, turning eighteen in a few months."

"The same age as my youngest son. You must know him, his name is Tyler." By this point I should tell you who tyler is and why I'm not jumping in recognition. Tyler is an actual self-absorbed arsehole who doesn't give two bunny rabbits about anyone else but himself and his two friends, Alex and Oliver.

"Unlike his older brother Tyler has flare for starting trouble." You could say that twice.

" Anyway I see you've settled in and are doing an outstanding job. Tomorrow Sean will be at home so I've arrange someone to pick you up at 9am to take you there if thats ok."

"Yeah sure no problem. Could I ask about how my schedule will be. I've got school and.."

"No problem, you work most weekends, and weekdays you'll be doing some work after school."

This is too good to be true. I love you so much Roberto. I'm gonna have to thank him for this so much he won't even know what create attacked him for a hug.

"Goodbye." He disappeared and I was left alone. It seems like its time to go home. I began ringing my dad when another head popped into the door. George.

"I almost forgot your car is going to be available to be picked up in a couple of days its just going through some things before it can be given to you." And then he disappeared again before I could refuse his offer. I mean if it weren't for the fact that I was working for him or he was my future to be step fathers best friend I would've accepted within a heartbeat. But he was which meant if I quit the job I may not be able to give up the car, for emotional reasons. Then I'd have to deal with awkward family holidays when I saw Rob.

Dad was waiting for me when I got down into parking. Most likely trying to get Annabelle and her friends to stop singing Katy Perry. A personal favourite. "How was it?"

"Great. Like everything is so perfect and most of the people who work there aren't that much older than me. They're so kind towards me. And I get a car. A car!"

"So i guess your happy about it."

"Happy doesn't cover what I'm feeling right now." I reached over to the back of the car and ruffled Annabelle and Amelie's hair. Amelie and Annabelle have been best friends since pre-school. They are inseparable and that's why she gets treated the same way as I treat Annabelle.

"You know you could just say hi instead of attempting to make me go bald. You know. Just like everyone else does." Amelie cried.

"It wouldn't hold the same sentimental value."

"You say hi to me all the time." Moaned dad.

"But I have no choice but to love you, you big baby." I laughed as I attempted to ruffle his hair.

See it's moments like these when I question why I'm not some T.V host or have my own reality T.V show. Oh the problems of teens living in the 21st century. 

"Home sweet home." Sang dad as he pulled up to the driveway next to my Mum and Rob's car I guess.

"Where are my two favourite humans?" Mum called out. Annabelle and Amelie ran to her with me in tow. "Oh honey I wasn't talking about you." She laughed as she pulled Claire and Amelie into a hug.

"What are we chopped liver?" Laughed Dad and Rob.

"I'm her youngest daughter." Cried Belle.

"Oh yeah I forgot about them." 

"Mum!" Screamed Annabelle.

Where was I while this happened. I was in the kitchen getting a drink. If theres anything you learn about my mother is that she's the happiest person on earth and she loves people and being around them. Especially the people she loves.

"Lee, anybody would think you didn't care for your poor mother."

"Well we're all just ticking time bombs." 

"I don't know where you get these sayings from but they are a little sadistic."

"I do it all for you." I laughed while hugging her.

It's good to say that last night went by a breeze. Everyone got along just fine and there were no tears at the table. Unless it was from the poor chicken we ate. I really need to talk to someone.

For me this would be another thing I lived for and thrived off of.



My ever so loyal readers. What is going on with you guys. Any plans for this summer. Any summer romances. Or are you guys stuck at home just like me.

I didn't update yesterday I went out to get my laptop sorted out.

Fingers crossed that I will be able to post tomorrow.

For now xoxo 


Ainslie DrewWhere stories live. Discover now