Chapter 4

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Lamis's P.O.V

I finally have my private account but well, I'm leaving this story to Syrine but when I want to continue I will tell you, this is the last chapter I will write before giving my book to Syrine. Enjoy!

Janie's P.O.V

"WHAT?!" I screamed shockingly while looking wide eyed at mom then Sally then mom and blinking more then 10 times in a second.

"You heard me little girl, we were invited at 8 pm, tonight, to have dinner with them and know them more." Mom said standing there looking at me frowning. I sighed and stood up.

"Mom, you know I have a date with Jack at 8 pm-"

"No way, little girl! They are our neighbors and it's our job to welcome them properly and you can cancel your date to someday else, you know?" She said crossing her arms.

"But mom-" I begin but was cut by my mom's creepy glaring face that she always do when she is annoyed. I sigh and give up then go out of Sally's room and choose an outfit for the dinner.

Jeffery's P.O.V

I hate parties so much because I think it's a waste of time and boring, and when dad come and told me about the dinner with our neighbor, I wasn't pleased at all like my parents were very cheerful. Typical parents.

And it is now half past seven at night, which means another 30 minutes and they'll come, so I took a very quick shower and got out of the bathroom to see a blue tux on my bed. I totally hate blue, and hate tux! So I put them away and looked in my closet for anything good to wear.
The first thing that popped into my mind was a shirt, pants and snickers, like what I usually wear in occasions.

After finishing my hair too and wearing my outfit, I run towards Liu's bedroom to see him fully clothed. He winked at me and I looked at him with a WTF? face. He had 2 bouquets of flowers for some random reason and we got downstairs and played some video games while waiting for our neighbors to come.

Some minutes later, I heard a knock on the door and my dad opened the door. A woman with long auburn hair and hazel eyes come in with her husband who had black hair and sky blue eyes walked in, followed by a little girl that had long brown hair and emerald green eyes bouncing around a girl that was older than her who had medium brown hair and forest green eyes. Then I looked straightly at the older one and all I was thinking about was: 'Is that Janie?'

The parents talked a little while Janie and her younger sister sat in an awkward silence until mom gestured them to come and play with us. The little girl jumped from excitement and run towards us while Janie just walked silently behind her.
I was looking slowly at her and finally noticed what they were wearing: Janie was wearing a beautiful black cocktail sleeveless one shoulder dress to her mid thigh that hugged her body perfectly like a second skin with black high ankle boots and a galaxy moon necklace and grabbing her sparkling black purse, she looked very beautiful. While her younger sister was wearing a pink sleeveless mid length dress with a white belt and white flats. Both of them had their hairs down and curly that made them cuter.
Me and Liu stopped playing and we were staring at both of them. We were in an awkward silence until Janie looked at spoke a just "Hi Jeff."
"Hi Janie" I greeted back.
"Well, this is my little sister, Sally." Janie said introducing her young sister to us.
"My name is Sally, Sally Williams, 13 years old, and this is my big sister, Janie Williams and nice to meet both of you!" Sally said cheerfully.
I was going to introduce myself when my brother spoke first.
"Well, I'm Liu and this is my little brother, Jeffery. I'm 19 while he's 17 years old and pleased to meet you too." He said then took Janie's hand and kissed it then did the same with Sally. And I thought I saw her blushing a little?
"What are you playing?" Sally asked suddenly jumping and sitting next to Janie who sat across from me.
"Mortal Komba, but I don't think you'll like it, because well, you are girls..." I said then continue playing again.
"Sally, do you want to show them how girls are better than boys?" I heard Janie say and I felt Sally nodded and then they set next to each other and started playing with us.
Half an hour later, Janie won.
"No fair, sis! You always win!" Sally whined and pouted.
"Always win?" Liu asked after pouting too because a girl kicked his ass.
"Yeah, me and Sally always play together and I always win!" She said proudly before plopping next to me.
"I think it's not fair too. And by the way, why are you playing these games, you know girls never have interest in these." I said proving a point. And like that, Janie laughed like it was a joke.
" Silly, I love this kind of games and I don't care about what girlies do, I love doing these things and no one can stop me, not even my mom!" She said crossing her arms and Sally started laughing too. And we spend our time talking and laughing until dinner was ready, and it was spaghetti.
Everyone set, and I took the seat next to Janie while Liu took the other one and we started eating and talking until we were full.

Suddenly, Liu took Janie's hand and guided her somewhere, and that made me jealous for a random reason but I kept my face calm. And when they come back, they were holding hands and laughing.
'What if he told her he loves her? What if he asked her on a date? Does she have a crush on him? Why am I thinking like this anyway? I'm not her boyfriend!' I blushed at the last thought and looked at Liu with a glare but he ignored it.

It's now 10 pm, which means it's time to say good night to our neighborhood. Please, note the sarcasm!
Whatever, Janie and Liu exchange numbers and Janie told me that we can hang out sometimes. We said our goodbyes and I went straight to my room, take a shower and change to my pajamas and lie on my bed then an idea popped into my head. I took my phone and started texting Janie and found her too lying on her bed and bored, we stayed all night chatting that I didn't want to let go of the phone and draft off to sleep. But suddenly, I found myself falling asleep slowly so I said goodnight and closed my eyes.

Lamis's P.O.V

So, there is something I want to say. Chapter 4 was edited again because Syrine wrote it without reading the first and second chapter. Thanks and good night!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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