My life now~Journi~

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My world is not so twisted nowadays, its a basic 17 year olds,I am preparing for college,and basically have my whole normal life ahead of me. I even have two close friends,April Perrie Manesco,and Morgan Eleanor Rodgers, we have a special bond.we are a pact, we watch out for each other and mostly live for the moment. My friend April,she is the mischevious type,she lives to be free,almost gets grounded everytime she sneeks out to come hang at my flat and is completly love struck by a boy named Kevin. Morgan,she is the sassy,quiet type she loves animals,and owns loads of cats,she  just likes a few boys at our school and u get her going about someone she dosen't like and wow,cat fight(;! Besides the point i tell my friends everything and we have little group meets at each others flats for new and juicy gossip.i had worked up to the point i could try and slip out my fourteenth birthday party incident,because i feel i can trust my sisters of 3 years now,with anything.I wait for them to come into my room this Friday,i set up a loaded pile of blankets into a  palate on the floor and get ready for what feels like is going to be a long night.Finally April arrives with Morgan,some cruncy,salty popcorn,and scary i wait for the truth or dare,and spill all night i was sitting down twidiling my ringed thumbs,i thought in my head "what if they scream at me..""what if they leave,and say i'm a slut?" to many what if' i then told them i had something highly top secret and important to say.April slumpt down on my beanbag,"spill the beans,Journi!"following April came a super siked Morgan,"Do tell ALL!!",she squeled.but always April interupted me,looking at the Telly,she squaked(and busted my eardrum almost)"One direction is on!"Me and Morgan looked up,in sequence we queried,"Who's One direction?!"April stared at us with the 'go to Hell look',and explained,"only the hottest,most talented boyband ever."I went into a trance at what i had saw on my screen that stormy,night,i started to mutter-----"Niaaa-Niall---Niall horan!"April gawked at my frightened,almost to tears face,"How did u know that Journi??"I panicked,my friends knew something was wrong,I then poured my soul and heart out to my two friends next to me,wide eyed and pearky eared.I trailed off in my head,"what have i done","will they hate me now--I'm so idiodic."But all of a sudden my vering into my own world stopped,my two best friends were embracing me like no tomorrow,they truly are the most magnifacint bestfriends a girl could have.We lay there crying like babys' in my green carpeted floor.

Raped by Niall James HoranWhere stories live. Discover now