What am I supposed to do..?

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Niall's POV:

I'm so tired of this shit,to many concerts,signings and meet and greets.No.I'm almost done.These girls think they will meet me,or that they love me.I just don't understand anymore,I wish everything would stop,I could cuddle with Zayn all day and stop hiding that I'm fucking inlove with my bestfriend.

 So I'm just sitting in the studio with my mates,working on our next album and the new single "The best song ever." when all I can think about is how lucky Perrie is,she gets to hold and love the beautiful creauture that is my Zayn. I continue being in the background,like always with Lou.We sit and be silly together,him always making me laugh..until I choke on my own spit.singing backup,coughing until finally my solo,we are practicing for the take me home tour we are still on.We can't tell our Directioners now but once were done on the song we will perform it on the next show.

off to Jack willis for my new crazy mofo shirts!

Journi's POV:

Did he just ask me something like that? Oh fudge..hmm I think a boyfriend wouldn't hurt and i never did notice just how freaking hott Mark was. "Yeah,Mark I'll be your girlfriend,"I decided on saying. Meh I mine as well add something cute,I winked. Mark stared deep into my I suppose frightened orbs. "well that's great,Journi",he scooted in the chair next to me,"So Friday night,since were goingout now we should chill at my place,is that okay?",he said with this bright smile I'd only ever seen whenever he won a game. "Yes!",I heard myself shoutout after staring into his extatic,sexy eyes of his a bit too long.We both smiled,Mark got up and did a little 'yes dance' and he just walked away happiest I've ever seen him.

 Mark's POV:

What did I just do..I finally grew some balls,that's what!Could it be,the funny quiet beauty is mine? Yes.And she is coming to my home Friday..

so i'm just sitting here,watching Sweeney Todd with my friend Dylan. "Dude,have you seen the nightmare before christmas?",Dylan almost squeeled as he asked me. "Yeah,I own it!",I said excitedly. We then threw marshmellows,peanut butter and chocolate sauce in a bowl,"These are my friends..see how they glisten she this one shine,how he smiles in the light all these years.My lucky friend",I sang shoving peanut butter in my mouth."let's go,I haven't seen it.."Dylan smiles at me  flopping on my couch.

*Watching Sweeney Todd*

"wow,Joanna is hott.",Dylan exclaims as I scrunch my nose."Really..but she sings like an opera woman!",I start laughing almost falling backward as I laugh until I snort. The rest of the night was consisted of us making complete retards of ourselfs by updating eachothers facebook status's,saying things like I have sleepovers with the woman who ate a fly and I like to lick pink highlighters.

Raped by Niall James HoranWhere stories live. Discover now