Chapter 2; lets get movin

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We waited two whole weeks before even looking out a window. We have come up with rules and jobs for everyone. Here is it
1. Everyone get half of a canned goods, no more.
2. No one out past 6 unless otherwise mentioned
3. No lying about where you were
4. If you're on watch and sleep you will get punished
5. Don't ever!ever! tell people your location on a run
These were the main rules, may seem stupid but we have had accidents because of some of them. Brooke told our location to a child on a run and then we never saw the kid again, my brother Daniel almost got killed by Mark because he was out in the night. Graser lied about where he went on a group run and by him leaving his post Dovie twisted her ankle.

Everyday we went on a run, went a bit farther out every time, it may seem obsessive or unnecessary but we need to get the supplies before others get there. We are doing good on supplies, limit are one meal a day, just because we may have a lot now but there is a lot of people in the house, twenty five people to be exact. By now everyone had there job as schedule also, Brooke and Nola were to cook;Dan and Danny were to keep up with the guns and ammo, they are to count the ammo and guns on an unscheduled schedule; my dad and Dallas usually did watch, they liked the sun and it was pretty relaxing; Dovie and Elisabeth watch the children and took care of them; Dovies husband Tyler and Mark usually did the building and fixing what needed to be fixed: the rest either helped out or went on the runs.
Mollie and I always went, got us out of the house and we're doing something. This time we hit up side shops by the mall, one day just not today. It was fairly easy, a few walkers spooked us but nothing to crazy, thankfully. We were walking back to the car when I made the most stupidest move ever! "God da..ugh!" I screamed "I'm a pure bred idiot! No smarter then a walker itself." "What?" Mollie questioned. "I forgot my second bag up at 'Charily Dollies' shop." "Well.. Go get them. I'll wait for you in the car." I began to run all the way there, it was about 1/4 of a mile. I finally got there, opened the door, everything was okay. I knew where my bag was so it didn't really matter. I grabbed the bag and then all of the sudden I had a sharp pain in my wrist. I was getting bitten! I grabbed my knife and killed the walker. I just looked at it, "How could I be so stupid, so so stupid! I didn't even.. Oh my god!" I said to myself.. I just sat there back to wall.. "I am an idiot.. It's not that deep so maybe... No! God! There's no way, if I wasn't stupid, If I listened to my own rules then this would not have happened." Eventually I heard Mollie come in, I went behind the counter and calmed myself down. "Ashley?" I heard Mollie say quietly. "I'm here, I'm here." I jumped up, grabbed my bag and handed it to her. "Look here's the thing, you're going to have leave without me. I was not paying attention and because of that I got bit."
Mollie stood there for a second, then said,"Well let's go to the tree.. I'm not going to leave u here to slowly become one of them, I'll shoot you, I'll make sure you don't hurt anyone." I kinda breathed out, shocked but proud,"Alright. Let's go."
We went to the tree in front of the school we once went to and dreaded but now wish we had it back. I sat near the tree leaning back on it for about 5 hours we just talked,"Do you remember the first time we met at school? We both had tried out for the dance team and while everyone was focused on dance we were having a deep discussion about politics right by this tree?" We both laughed first the first time in about a month, which is a long time for two non serious people. "Yah, I do. We still made it tho!" Mollie replied. "Remember the first time you tried to actually climb the tree and you ended up breaking your leg?" "Oh.. Haha yes!" "Look I know you probably don't want to see your family and such but it's late and we need to get back for safety reasons." Mollie looked at me kind of concerned when she said that. "Oh, okay.. Well let's go." I got up, then helped her up. "Mind if I drive, Mollie?" "Go ahead."

We Arrived back at home, immediently everyone went into a panic, where were you guys? Is something wrong? Did someone grab you guys? "No, we are okay." Mollie replied very calmly. "But.."
"But? Why is there a but?" My dad asked getting agitated "Well Ashley got bit."
"Okay, she'll be fine! Let's clean it, and see what's happens." My dad yelled. "No. No, I won't and you know that." "We can give it a shot!" My dad said as he pulled me into the kitchen, he cleaned and sewed it up, it was very painful. Maybe even worse then the bite. Everyone agreed to put me in a room, which they cleared and to see what happens, if I am to turn I'll have reached a fever by tomorrow. Everyone cleared the beds in the room and all the personal belongings, while everyone was doing that I grabbed my journal that I wrote notes and things in, I sat there for hours looking at the one page I had dedicated to all the promises I ever made. When I go the one promise I will most regret it the one I made two days ago, to always be there for Mollie through the crap life this is now.

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