Chapter 3

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"Snowkit! Stop wriggling!!" Witherkit mewled, kicking the now plump she-kit towards, Whitesplash's belly. Snowkit gave a squeak of protest, looking at her 'littermate' with dismay,"I didn't mean to..." She mewed rasply, she felt sick, like a stone was lodged deep inside her belly. Her blue eyes were dull with a fever as she then gave a small wheeze, rousing Whitesplash from her nap. The brown queen looked to Snowkit,"Snowkit? Are you ok?" Whitesplash mewed, worried filled in her eyes. Resting her tail on the silver kit,"You have a fever!" The queen gasped looking to Witherkit and Rainkit, then turning to the other queen, Mistypelt,"Mistypelt?" She questioned the queen. "Yes Whitesplash?" The older queen rose her head to meet the young brown queen's gaze,"I need to take Snowkit to see, Newmoon." Whitesplash mewed quietly. Worry filled Mistypelt's gaze as she nodded swiftly,"Of course!" She meowed, looking to her own kits. Whitesplash blinked gratefully before picking up the sickly kit by her scruff and rushing to Newmoon's den,"Newmoon!" Whitesplash called to the medicine cat, her silver eyes scanning the den. She saw Featherpaw stir and stood,"Why are you here so late, Whitesplash...?" He mewed tiredly, he blinked the sleep from his eyes as he noticed Snowkit lay mewling sickly beside the brown queen. Featherpaw immediately got on his paws and swiftly rushed to the kit, resting the tip of his tail onto the little she-kit's forehead,"Fever... wheezing... a scratchy voice... and a runny nose..." Featherpaw murmured, trying to remember what was the problem. One word made him panic, Whitecough. "Um, Im sorry but... Snowkit has Whitecough." He meowed, sympathy glowing in his eyes. Pure distress ran through Whitesplash,"No!" She gasped dropping down to lick the silver she-kit. "Windpelt is going to hate me if Snowkit dies!" She wailed. Featherpaw brushed his tail tip gently over Whitesplash,"I will try my best to help her, Whitesplash." He mewed, now determined to help the kit. The young tom gently picked up Snowkit, setting her gently on a fresh nest. The nest was weaved with bracken, moss, and feathers. Snowkit curled up into a small, sickly ball as she gazed dazily up at the queen who took her in and the Medicine Cat Apprentice. Blinking her unsteady blue eyes, she lowered her small wolf-like head down ontop of her front paws. Closing her eyes, she curled her fluffy tail to cover her long muzzle, drifting into a deep sleep.

The light of dawn comes through the thin hanging moss that covered the Medicine Cat's Den. The dim ray touched Snowkit's eyelid, causing her to stir and turn her back against the entrance. Newmoon slowly padded into the den, carrieing yarrow in her jaws, she gave a quick glance to Snowkit then swiftly padded to the back of the den to put the yarrow into the herb store. Carefully placing the delicate herbs, Newmoon turned and padded to Featherpaw's nest. She then lightly prodded Featherpaw's shoulder with her paw,"Featherpaw? Why is Snowkit here?" the old she-cat asked, her blue eyes blinking at the now waking tom. Featherpaw raised his head and turned to face his mentor,"She caught Whitecough, I gave her some coltsfoot and a juniper berry." He mewed quietly, looking to Snowkit again. Newmoon's eyes softened, looking to Snowkit,"Has she woken yet?" The black she-cat then asked. Featherpaw shook his head,"Not since last night. She slept well despite her congestion in her lungs." He replied, looking into his mentor's blue eyes. Newmoon sighed, padding slowly to Snowkit laying down beside the kit. Purring, Newmoon curled her thin tail around the silver kit and brought it closer to her belly and let Snowkit sleep. Her blue eyes closed as she soon drifted to sleep.

Sunhigh approached as the camp stirred more, pelts ruffled from Dawn Patrols and those just beginning to stir. The warmth of the Newleaf sun dappled each cat's pelt. The clan rested, sharing tongues with eachother in the warm sunlight. Darkstar slowly came out of his den below the Highstone and padded to his deputy, Shadowstep,"Has a hunting patrol been out yet?" He asked, his silver-tabby fur glistening sleekly against the sunlight that reached his fur, his purple eyes gazing to his deputy. Shadowstep shook his head,"Not yet, I was just about to ask Flashstep to go hunting with Killzone, Sonicstep, and Skullbash." the black and red tom meowed, waiting for approval to gleam in his leader's eyes. Darkstar gave a brisk nod, his purple eyes blinking swiftly as he replied,"Good, I will go with the Sunhigh Patrol to check the Windclan and Thunderclan boders." Darkstar mewed, turning to head to the Nursery to check on the queens,"Hello Whitesplash, hello Mistypelt." Darkstar dipped his head in greeting. "Good afternoon, Darkstar." The queens smiled, their kits were surprised to see the Clan Leader visiting. "Where is Snowkit?" Darkstar asked, turning to look at Whitesplash. "She caught WhiteCough last night and so she is staying in Newmoon's den." The brown she-cat responded, licking a forepaw and running it over her left ear. The silver tom looked at the brown queen with concern in his eyes,"Im terribly sorry to here that, Whitesplash..." Darkstar mewed, running his thin tail tip gently down Whitesplash's back. The brown queen looked at her leader, surprised to see such warmth in his dark purple eyes.

Darkstar smiled then turned,"I must go and join the Dusk Patrol." He mewed, padding out of the Nursery. His silver fur brushing against the bramble thicket the surrounded the Nursery enterance, his dark purple gaze fixed of the ready to leave, Dusk Patrol. Skullbash noticed the clan leader and dipped his head,"Good Evening, Darkstar." He meowed, his silver eyes glistening in the low moonlight. "Hello, Skullbash." Darkstar greeted his senior warrior, dipping his head respectfully. As the Clan leader and the 2 Warriors were ready, they set out on the way to patrol the Thunderclan Border. Darkstar noticed Windpelt was gathering herbs and greeted the Thunderclan Medicine Cat,"Hello, Windpelt." He smiled, his purple eyes glinting showing a hidden emotion. Windpelt turned her gaze to Darkstar,"Hello Darkstar. How is Snowkit?" She asked, her tail twitched with concern. "She is ill." Darkstar replied grimly, his tail twitched uncomfortably. "Oh my! I hope shes ok..." Windpelt mewed, her tone was filled with deep concern. "Shes getting care from Newmoon and Featherpaw." Darkstar mewed, he had loved Windpelt when he had met her as a Medicine Cat apprentice. He was before known as Darkclaw, the Shadowclan Warrior. Windpelt padded to the border after seeing Darkstar dismissed the patrol to return to camp,"I missed you..." She mewed quietly, touching noses with Darkstar,"I missed you too..." The tom replied, nuzzling her,"There was never a moment I never stopped to think about you..." He mewed again, licking her nose. Windpelt blushed and then knew something she must talk to him about,"I've been waiting to tell you this... Im expecting your kits." She said alittle quieter. Darkstar felt his heart fly, he was going to be the father of HIS kits. His dark purple eyes gleamed happily and he nuzzles her,"Thats great news!" He mewed happily. Windpelt then looked at her mate,"But there is one problem... I have no way of keeping them..." She meowed worriedly. "Come to Shadowclan." Darkstar suggested,"You don't have to be a warrior and you can just be a queen and live in the Nursery." He said, his purple eyes glittering with worry for his mate. "But... Im Medicine Cat... I... I... Well... Ok. Sootfur is now a Medicine Cat so I guess she can take over." Windpelt mewed, smiling. "Go tell your clan." Darkstar nudged his mate,"They need to know." Windpelt nodded and padded toeard the Thunderclan camp, her eyes glowing with glee as she rushed and went to Heatstar,"Heatstar?" She called to the Thunderclan leader. "Yes Windpelt?" Heatstar said, allowing the medicine cat into the den. "I.. Im sorry but I wish to go to Shadowclan.. I broke the Warrior AND the Medicine Cat Codes... I've been expecting Darkstar's kits for almos a moon now... I still love him and I do not wish to give up my kits." Windpelt admits, her ears lowered. Heatstar sighed and looked at the Medicine Cat,"I can understand you love him, each cat finds love and either obeys the call of nature or try to avoid it and help their clanmates. I will allow you to go live in Shadowclan. May Starclan go with you." He mewed dismissing Windpelt sadly. Windpelt left and went to Sootfur to tell him the news,"Sootfur?" She called. A black head poked out of the Herb store and saw his mentor. "Yes Windpelt?" He mewed, looking at his mentor happily. "Im sorry but Im going to live in Shadowclan, you see... Im expecting Darkstar's kits." She mewed looking to her former apprentice, seeing the shock and the despair in her eyes. "You will do well, Sootfur. I believe in you." She mewed before she turned and left the camp and went to Shadowclan, greeting her mate happily. Darkstar smiled and nuzzled her,"I announced to the clan you were joining us as a Queen." He mewed. Windpelt looked tired and retired to the nursery.

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