Chapter 4

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Windpelt noticed Snowkit pad into the Nursery with Newmoon. The young kit blinked to Windpelt and rushed over, nuzzling Windpelt,"Windpelt!! What are you doing here!" Snowkit asked with wide blue eyes. Windpelt gently licked the kit's head and purred,"I am expecting Darkstar's kits, I left Thunderclan so I can be with him." She mewed softly, moving her tail so it ran along Snowkit's spine. Snowkit ruffled her fur in a small shiver and then blinked at Windpelt, nuzzling Windpelt's muzzle happily. Whitesplash smiled,"She has been very good. She's been getting much more healthier since she came to the clan." She mewed happily, her tail curling around her own kits, Rainkit and Witherkit. "Im deeply grateful for what you have done for her, Whitesplash. I'm so happy that she is looking much better since I had brought her here." Windpelt meowed with a purr of joy. Rainkit wriggled from underneath his mother's tongue and scrabbled out of the nest,"Moom! I'm clean, I'm clean!" He mewled with distress. Featherpaw had stepped into the enterance of the Nursery and called out,"Newmoon! Its almost the half-moon!" He meowed, his pale, forest-green fur looked grey in the light of dusk. Newmoon rose to her paws looking to her apprentice,"Alright Featherpaw. Give me a moment." She responded, padding out of the Nursery she dipped her head,"Have a good night." she murmured before following Featherpaw to the Moonpool. 

Sootfur and Lillyfern were standing by the trail to the Moonpool as Hollygold and Tunepaw reached them. Newmoon and Featherpaw arrived last, puffing with the swift stride they went to get there. "Is everyone ready?" The eldest medicine cat, Lillyfern mewed, her mahogany eyes tired from her age. Sootfur nodded,"We are." he mewed.

 "Then lets go." 

The group of cats padded through the trail up to the Moonpool. They chattered and shared news of their clans,"Snowkit has finally got over her bout of Whitecough. Thanks to me!" Featherpaw puffed out his chest in pride. "Good work, Featherpaw! I'm still helping one of the apprentices with a scratch from some thorns that got infected!" Tunepaw mewed, her green eyes blinked with excitement. "Shhh, were almost at the Moonpool now." Newmoon mewed quietly to the two young cats. The six cats reached the cavern where the Moonpool lay. The moon overhead shone down on the surface of the water making the water appear to be glowing. The reflection dappled the pelts of the group as they came in. All the medicine cats besides Newmoon and Featherpaw stood in front of them," I say these words as Starclan sits among us, I name a new Medicine Cat, he has trained hard to understand the ways of knowing your Signs and the ways of healing and has sworn to the Medicine cat code!" Newmoon began, turning her gaze from the sky to Featherpaw,"Featherpaw? Do you promise to take the name of Medicine Cat and heal your clanmates when they need it?" The black she-cat asked her apprentice. "I promise." Featherpaw said without hesitation, his whiskers twitched and his chest puffed out in pride. Newmoon smiled then lifted her head,"Then by the name of Starclan! Your name shall be Featherherb! Starclan is proud to have such a noble medicine cat." She mewed then led him over,"Now we all must share tongues with Starclan. Touch your nose to the water surface and may Starclan give you good dreams." She murmured before kneeling beside him to touch her own pink nose to the Moonpool. Featherherb closed his own eyes and lightly touched the pool and opened them again to see the cloud and star covered forest. His eyes beamed with joy as he sees Grassfire,"Hello my son." She smiled, her golden fur glowed like a blazing field of hay on fire. Featherherb nuzzled his mother happily until the starclan cat pushed him away,"Featherherb... I have a warning for you.." She said sternly, her brown eyes showed a different side that was very direct and very serious. Her tail twitched,"The kit, with a bad start to life will meet another, both shall unite and if not treated fairly and respectfully shall be the down fall to the clan." She mewed with a dark edge in her tone. Featherherb's whiskers twitched anxiously,"W-what can I do to prevent it??" He meowed swiftly, taking one paw-step closer to his mother. "Treat the two cats with respect and fairly... The one with a wolf's body form will lead to a greater downfall." Grassfire replied to her only kit, licking his head,"Good luck my dear one. I will watch you as I always have." She mewed before backing away and allowing the pale, forest green tom to wake at the Moonpool.

Featherherb's eyes blinked opened as he gazed around the Cavern, his green eyes fixed on the small she-cat, Tunepaw as she lay still dreaming. Moving his tail to flick her ear gently he whispered,"Tunepaw? Wake up, it's almost dawn." He mewed gently. Tunepaw woke with a slow start, stretching her maw into a long yawn,"R-really..? What about the others?" She questioned, more alert. Featherherb looked around,"Im not sure, maybe they let us dream alittle longer, they may be back to their clans..." He mewed,"Come on, lets go." He smiled and helped her with his tail. His gazed moved slowly to her where her fourth leg should be and he shuddered, remembering when he first met her and found out she was born with the three legs. The pale green tom helped Tunepaw down the slope and helped her to Windclan camp. "Tunepaw!! Where have you been!" Her mother, Dawnsun mewed briskly, rushing over to her deformed kit and began licking her vigorously,"Dawnsun! Im fine! Hollygold didn't wake me and Featherherb at the Moonpool. It's Featherherb, who helped me home." Tunepaw mewed smiling. Dawnsun narrowed her eyes looking at Featherherb,"Why is he still here, he should go back to Shadowclan." She snapped, her eyes glaring at the Shadowclan Medicine Cat. "Mother stop it! He is a medicine cat!" Tunepaw said protecting Featherherb.

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