Colors (Soulmate AU)

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Note: This contains a quick flash back where LaFontaine goes by Susan. Also this is an AU where you see everything in black and white until you touch your soulmate for the first time.

14 years ago, Perry and LaFontaine met as little five year olds in kindergarten. LaFontaine remembers that day clearly, because not only was it the day they met their best friend, it was the first time they saw colors. They remember shaking Perry's hand and seeing everything explode into vibrant color. The first thing they noticed was the wild fire of her hair. "Woah." "What is it, Susan?" Perry inquired. "Don't you see all the colors?" LaF asked, eyes wide in wonder. Perry simply shook her head.

Both Carmilla and Laura can see colors. It happened during the Zeta Party Incident. Danny saw colors when she and Laura were dating, but faded after they broke up. Kirsch's world went from rich pinks and blues and greens to greys and blacks and whites when Sarah Jane died. Perry still didn't know what color her clothes were. But what made her really heartbroken was that she didn't know what color her childhood best friend's hair or eyes were.

"LaFontaine? Can you hand me the dust pan? I dropped a brownie," Perry asked, slightly flustered. LaFontaine got up and grabbed the dust pan and handed to her, their hands bumping for a brief second. Perry gasped as her world swirled with color and looked up. "Woah." "What is it?" "Don't you see all the color?" A wide grin slowly spread on LaFontaine's face, then they leaned in, gently pressing their lips against Perry's as color exploded and swirled and danced around them.

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