part 3

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This seems to be cool stuff," Lucy told herself after she read the morning paper.

Thinking back, she remembered how everyone in her family told her that she was already in a marriageable age. Happy, the blue flying cat was with her when she read it.

"Oooh! That seems cute Lucy!" He exclaimed. "But, I do not see strings attached to anyone; well... at least... I've never met one..."

Lucy giggled. "That's silly; you don't see the strings..."

"Then how would you know?" Happy asked eagerly.

"I do not know, I guess... the heart knows right?" she answered. "How about you Happy? Who do you think it is?"

"Fish perhaps?" then the cat suddenly grinned at the thought. The blond girl thought that maybe he started dreaming about fishes again. Silly Happy, it is not like that... I mean love, we talk about love... soul mates perhaps, the ones you'll be with during the eternity.You must have a man, mistress Lucy... the words of her household servants echoed in her mind. Lucy's mind stopped at the thought... damn right.

"How about you? Does Lucy have one?" The cat asked her.

Do I have one?

Her thoughts scanned through the men she had encountered in her life. However, one thought made her blush: Gray... he flashed through her mind with the duration of a second, yet it made her melt.

I would want you to marry this man, if you do; we could be the most influential family due to our alliance with them...the words of her father suddenly appeared after Gray's appearance in her mind. The sudden interruption in her train of thought made her cringe so much that she unconsciously made balls with her fists.

Would I really need a man?

Am I not alright by myself?

"I don't think I have one yet," she told Happy. "Do you think anyone in the guild knows about this?"

Happy shrugged.

"I think it would be nice to ask those mages" She smiled. "Hmmm... whom should I interview?"


"Red string of fate?" Mirajane said, unsure of what it meant. "Not sure if I know about that,"


"Red string?" Erza said "I don't need it," she said as she flaunted her long red hair which made Lucy and Happy jaw drop. "Besides... I don't need any man as long as I wear this armor!" then she suddenly ex-quipped. "With this armor, I could be as strong as any man! Haha..."

The two sweatdropped. She doesn't totally get the meaning of the phrase.


"Red String of fate?" Loki asked back, which made Lucy nod. "I know very little of it, I'm sure, one of my girlfriends told me that long ago... I think it was..."

Lucy watched him as he tried to remember whose girl said it. When it took him around 10 minutes to recall he said "Sorry, I forgot."

Lucy sighed... "Ok, Loki, Never mind... just go back to the spirit world..."


"Red String of What?" Natsu exclaimed.

"Nothing..." Lucy dismissed him.

"But you said something..." Natsu said, suspicion rising as he neared his face towards to Lucy's. "What are you up to?"

Lucy just grabbed him by the collar and violently shook him out of frustration "I said the red string of NOTHING!"

Gray and lucy secretly togetherWhere stories live. Discover now