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Zeke POV
I walked out of the dining hall with Uriah, Will and Christina. We walked to the training room. We wanted to ambush Will with paintballs. Four was by a punching bag. He was punching it so hard, the bag was swinging like it would break any second. Soon enough, the bag broke off the chain and landed on the floor. Why is he like this? He sat on the floor slowly. Please tell me he's not under another sim. I walked over to him.

"Four, what happened? Why did you just break the punching bag off the chain? I mean, it was sick but you never do that."

He looked at his hands.

"Where's Tris?" Will asked

"She's gone. She left." Four said quietly

I noticed blood on his one hand.

"What did you do to her?"

"She said Zeke is taking her position."

"I am not taking nobody's position if you don't tell me why she left. Where did she go and why did she even leave
in the first place?" I was starting to get angry

Four stood up.

"She left because of me."

I slammed him to the ground.


Will, Uriah and Christina came running over.

"If you hurt my best friend, I will kill you." Christina hissed

Four leaned his head against the floor. He closed his eyes.

"I did hurt her." He said

Will held Christina back. I got off of him.

"What?" I hissed. "How could you do this?"


He punched her. He hurt her.

"You are dead to me." I hissed before walked out Uriah, Will and Christina came after me.

"Where do you think she is?" Uriah asked

"I don't know but we better find out soon."

Tris POV
After Robert patched up my nose, we went to Joanna's office. I sat down in a chair. Robert stood behind me.

"Tris, you know that your sanctuary here is very short lived."

"If you want peace, you'll let me stay as long as I need to."

"Why are you here?"

"Four is turning into his father and I don't want him near me."

"Did he break your nose? A dauntless leader attacking another. Oh my."

"Actually I'm not leader anymore. I quit leadership when I walked out."

An Amity girl came up to the office.

"There is a Dauntless here asking if we have seen Tris Prior."

"Tell them she's not here." Joanna replied

She nodded and went back downstairs.

"You can stay with Robert. That will be your best option. We will get you some clothes. He can cover your tattoos temporarily and we can make you a whole new person." Joanna said

"I think we should get started then."

Robert led me to his apartment. It was big. He sat me down at a vanity.

"I know it's uncomfortable. You don't have to look in it if you don't want to. I don't."

Robert gathered all the makeup he would use on me. He then gathered clothes for me. I went into the bathroom and changed. When I finished, I sat back at the vanity. He started on my tattoos first.

Zeke POV
Hector, Will and Christina sat in my apartment. Uriah came in and sat down.

"I can't believe you shamed a Dauntless leader like that." Hector said. "Or that Tris is gone."

"We'll find her. She couldn't have gone far. Will, you knew her the best and you were Erudite. If you were her, where would you go?" I asked

"Okay. If I was Tris and Four just punched me in the face, I would be surprised because that would mean he was turning into Marcus. I would go far away from here. So that means either Abnegation or Amity." Will said

"Okay. I need two search and rescue teams. Will and Christina, take Hector and go to Abnegation. No guns just walk to Evelyn's house and ask her if she has seen Tris. Uriah, stay guard here in case she comes back. I'll go to Amity."

Tris POV
When Robert was done, I looked nothing like me. I looked Amity.

"Thank you Robert."

"I did tell you to come here if you needed anything."

"I'm starving. Let's eat."


"Hey, I'm a growing girl."

We both laughed. We ate in the dome. I made a few new friends. When Robert and I were done, we walked back to his apartment.

"I have another suggestion. If you really don't want people to notice you, you have to be loose. I also think we should find you a fake boyfriend. Make the story more realistic."

"A fake boyfriend like you?"

"Exactly. We don't have to kiss or anything just hug and hang out all the time."

"Okay. So, what do you usually do?"

"I actually play with the little kids."

"Awesome lets do it."

We walked to the playground. We started playing with the kids. We played for hours. Robert and I were about to leave when Joanna came out.

"Emily, can I talk to you for a second?"

Emily was my cover name. I nodded and followed her to her office.

"There is a man from Dauntless asking for you. He says his name is Zeke."

"Bring him up here."

Joanna ordered the receptionist to send Zeke up here. Zeke walked into the office.

"Joanna, who is this?"

"Zeke, I am Tris. I had my look redone. You can't tell anyone I'm here. It will put me in danger."

"I'm not here looking for you. Everyone thinks I am but I'm not. Four broke a punching bag off the chains today. A why do you have bandages all over your face?"

"He broke my nose and without all this makeup, I have a black eye too."

He hugged me.

"My name is Emily Taylor. If you want to talk to me, use that name. Go back. Tell them you didn't find me. Once Four isn't so hurtful anymore send a message."

"Be strong Emily." Zeke said before walking out

I walked back out to Robert.

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