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Tris POV
I woke before the sun was up. Tobias was still sleeping beside me. I quietly got up, careful not to wake him. I put on a pair of training pants and a tank top. I left a note on the counter so he wouldn't freak out. I slipped on my boots and headed for the training room.

Tobias POV
When I woke, Tris wasn't beside me. Maybe she is getting Britney ready. I thought. I got up and got dressed. I went into Britney's room only to find her sleeping. I started to freak out. I woke up Britney and got her going.

"Where's mama?" She asked

"I don't know." I said gently

After she got up, I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I found a note from Tris.

Gone to train. Be back at 8:30.

I checked the time. It was 8:25. I threw the note away. I started on breakfast. I made eggs, bacon and sausage. I put some food on a plate and set it in front of a bouncing Britney. Tris walked in the door. I checked the time. 8:40.

"You're late." I said

Tris POV
I slipped off my boots and walked into the kitchen.

"Lost track of time. Uriah distracted me." I said

"Did he really?" Tobias said with a bright smile

"Yes." I said before going into my bathroom.

I shut and locked the door behind me. I freshened up and then headed to work.

I worked in the control room for an 8 hour shift. When I walked in, Zeke, the new head of Security, scowled at me.

"You're late." He said

"Sorry, your idiot brother was trying to keep me from actually getting here on time." I said as I sat down at my desk

"Fine, I'll control him just get here on time." He said with a scowl

After my 8 hours shift was done, I walked to my apartment. I found a note under the door. It was from Zeke.

If you're late again, you're fired.

I went into my apartment and threw the note out, closing the door behind me. I slipped off my boots and went into my bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror for a long time. Examining the scars just fading, the wrinkles waiting to form on my near flawless face. I sat on the counter and looked at my right leg. The scars were there, standing out from my leg like an annoying friend. I rolled my pant leg back down and leaned my head against the mirror.

What if I lose my job? Will Zeke tell Tobias?

Stop! I told myself. Tobias hadn't been friends with Zeke since he tried to kill me a few years ago. I sat on the counter and closed my eyes. Then some in bust into the apartment. I grabbed the gun from the drawer and slowly emerged from the bathroom. I saw Uriah standing there. I dropped the gun, throwing it on the bed.

"You scared me." I said

"Aren't you concerned about why I just broke into your apartment?" Uriah said, faster than normal

"I was getting to that." I said, suspiciously

"BritneyjustgotshotandFourisfreakingoutandyouneedtohurryupandgettotheinfirmary." Uriah said

"Slow down." I said worriedly

"Britney just got shot and Four is freaking out so you need to hurry up and get to the infirmary." Uriah said a bit slower

My eyes went wide. Uriah ran and I followed him. We bust through the doors of the infirmary. I saw Tobias rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, sitting in a chair, head in his hands. There was blood all over his hands. I knew what that meant. Britney is dead. I dropped to my knees, tears falling. Uriah stood there and tried to comfort me but it wasn't working. My baby was dead. I sat there against the wall, crying with my head resting on my arms, my knees pulled to my chest. I stayed there for a while. I don't know how long but I stayed, not bringing my head up.

"Are you here for Britney Eaton?" A light and gentle voice said

I looked up slowly. Uriah helped me stand but I knew I was going to fall again. Tobias stood.

"Britney is alive but the bullet hit her neck. Shes on life support right now. You can come see her if you want." The nurse said

Tears fell down my cheeks as my legs threatened to fail. I walked toward the nurse. She led us to a room. There were tons and tons of endless machines and cords and wires. In the middle of it was a small tiny body, lying ever so still. Tears threatened to spill over, my body started to shake. I felt strong hands on my shoulders. I walked over to the bed. I touched her hand. She didn't move. Tears spilled onto my cheeks in a steady flow. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Tobias.

The nurse stood on the other side of the bed.

"She hasn't been awake for hours and she might not ever wake up." The nurse said gently. "I am so sorry Tris."

"Don't let her suffer." I said

"Tris." Tobias hissed

"Just let her go. If she's gonna go, I would rather her go now so she won't have to suffer." I said as tears streamed down my face

I walked out of the room.

OH MY GOSH! This book just reached 1 K reads! Thank you all for reading and supporting me! There will be more chapters, sorry this one was sad😓

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