Chapter 1

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CAUTION: all of my chapters will most probably have swear words in them. If you are not old enough or mature enough, please stop reading now. For those of you who just don't like swearing, I apologize but that is just what MY characters are like. Also just a quick warning about my "Grammar" or lack of I should say, also punctuation, proper spelling, Ability to speak ACTUAL but Thank you for reading. xox

I always liked waking up to an inbox full of texts in the morning. It made me feel special.

I tapped the screen and found the text. It was from my best friend Alison. She always got to school at least half an hour before I did and she always texted me to make sure I was up and getting ready. The text read:

"OMG Dyls, I just saw Brian hanging off some little slut. I swear I will end his miserable life if you want me to?"

I sat on my bed confused for a second before anger spread through my body. You've got to be fucking joking! That asshole! I thought to myself.

Brian had cheated on me once in the past and after a few weeks away from him; I made the stupid decision of going back to him. A decision I was now feeling extremely regretful about.

Brian was my on/off boyfriend of two years and a complete hunk. We met at school in art class, he was so passionate about drawing and his portraits were incredible. I asked him if he would do a portrait of me one day. It was an innocent request, but I had to admit I had a crush on him. I told him the portrait was a gift for my mom's birthday so he would agree. He didn't need to know that my mom's birthday was 3 months earlier and I bought her a wooden coffee table.

It took a couple of sessions to complete the drawing. He had finished by the end of the first session but he told me it still needed perfecting and asked me to come back the next day. On the last day he asked me out on a date.

Two years later and here I am. Waking up to texts from my best friend telling me he's sneaking around with another girl, AGAIN!

I tapped the screen and found the second text. Also from Alison

"I know you probably don't feel like coming to school now, but if you can... I need you to come & sign me out of the dean's office again, Hope you're ok xox"

I jumped out of Bed and ran into my closet. I grabbed my nicest pair of jeans and a black tank top. I was hopping around my room trying to change quickly so I could get to school and sort all of this mess out. My Jeans were putting up a bit of a fight, they were a size 18, and they should have fit easily. I thought I had lost some weight not put more on. Great I thought to myself As if I wasn't already having a shitty day.

I wasn't overly obsessed with my looks like some girls were. I had always been big and it never really bothered me. Sometimes other girls would tease me about my weight, even some guys would tease me, but then they would have to deal with Alison. I didn't really care what they said, it didn't even phase me really, but it drove Alison insane. She used to always say "Hateful skinny bitches. Who the hell do they think they are? Kate moss?"

I quickly ran back into my closet and grabbed a pair of tights. I pulled my tank top on and shoved my arms through my jacket then shot down the stairs, out the front door and into my car. My mom waved to me out the kitchen window but I was too mad and in too much of a hurry to wave back.

The trip to school usually took me at least twenty minutes on a good day. Today, I got there in ten.

I drove a little Mazda Demio which was reasonably fast for a car of its kind and I took good care of it. It was a great car to have and it got me where I needed to be. Today was no exception.

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