Chapter 33

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Noahs POV.

"It is my pleasure, and absolute honour to introduce you all to our new Female Alpha, Dylan Rhymes" Rheon said, the pack members all began to clap, i looked over the crowd, Dylans hands were clammy and i felt her nervous energy through our bond. I squeezed her hand gently, reassuringly, she smiled sweetly at me in response. I was very comfortable infront of this crowd, this is my family, and i knew that soon Dylan would feel the same way. I felt her relax a little when she saw her mom and a few other familiar faces, so i took the opportunity to summon Ally forward. 

"Take Dylans hand and lead her to the side of the stage, its my turn now, but i dont think she'll be walking by herself" i said aloud to Ally, I couldnt help but laughing, Dylan joined me even though i dont think she fully knew what she was laughing about. I leant forward and kissed her on the forehead before turning to face my father.

There were six of them staring back at me. My father, my mother, Uncle Max, Uncle Sean, Dylans mom, and Aunty Debbie. We only decided last night that Nina should have a space on the council, They would only be the Council for another week anyway, But it showed our trust in her, our respect for her, and in a way it reassured her that she was welcome in our pack, even if she had a strange start.

I knelt down before my father, this was known as the last bow, the last show of allegience and loyalty to my Alpha before the tables were turned and i became his alpha. This was usually a difficult time for most Alpha's, stepping down was never easy, but my father was ready, and i felt through our link that we had every confidence in me, he had taught me well and i intended on proving myself, to him, to my people and to myself. My father began the ceremony, it was in latin as were all our ceremonies.

"Hodie notat finem imperii veterem alpha descendit die , viam ad filium vel heredum, novae origine Alpha ad initium novae vitae molestie" I translated it in my mind, knowing that Dylan would hear it.

"Today marks the end of my reign, the day that the old Alpha steps down, to make way for his son, or successor, The rise of the new Alpha, The begining of a new life for our pack."

"Today, i hand the pack over to my son Noah, knowing that he will take this position until it is time for a new Alpha. He will look after my people as they are now his own, he will do his duty by this pack, as i have done for my years, and may he be better in every sense"

"Stand" He whispered just loud enough for me to hear, tapping me on the shoulder.

"Ladies and Gentlemen i would like to Present to you, your new Leader" My father said, interrupted by the roaring applause of the pack. I stood there smiling back at them all. There was a toast and  applause in my honour, followed by another toast and more applause for my mate Dylan, i heard uncle Sean behind me asking uncle max when we'd be breaking out the whiskey. i laughed and bowed to my crowd before turning around to reply "Right now". I winked and pulled both uncles are my arms one on each side. we cheered together and made our way to the liquour cabinet. I hadnt felt this amazing in years. I had my title, I had my people, The respect of everyone around me, and for once i felt like i deserved it. And of course, i had Dylan.

Dylan was walking around with my dad for alot of the night, Being introduced to people. Mikaere and Ramari were close behind them, they seemed to be serving as Dylans body guards, but i could see them connected to her, their energy being shared between the three of them, My father had given them the position of keepers. If Dylan was ever to be injured, the injury would pass to one of them, if she was to become ill, the illness would be passed to one of them, she would survive anything, if she was to be killed, within minutes of her death, it would pass to one of them. This is why they were called keepers, and they were always the most advanced warriors, because it literally meant giving their lives to keep her safe. They were also in charge of her training, so that she would be aware of their sacrifice and she would have an equal part in ensuring the survival of all three of them.

The male Alpha however, had to fight his own battles, and keep himself safe. If i died, Dylan would be able to move on, Female Alphas felt the bond strongly, but never as much as the male. Their love was always intense but always reserved in a way so that if the male dies, the female would still be there for their children. It is  also because the male is never in charge, the woman is always the commander of the relationship. I may be the leader of the pack, but she is the pilot behind my plane, she is the fuel that moves me, the propeller you might say.  If she was to die, i would be screwed. 

 "Fucking lovely isnt she my boy" Uncle Sean leaned against the wall next to me, his false irish accent becoming a little more closer to scottish as the liquor hit its mark.Uncle Sean was one of the only shifters i knew that could get drunk. I could drink and it most definitely had an effect on me if i drank enough, but Uncle Sean was what Mikaere called "Permanently pissed". One day when i was young he decided it was a good idea to down a whole bottle of "Green fairy Absinthe" from Switzerland, I dont think he has ever seen straight since then.

"Dylan?" i asked, staring at her from across the room, In the past hour she had blossomed into a social butterfly and i couldnt take my eyes off her. Her elegance was enchanting, her wit and charm had everyone wrapped around her fingers. She even had Aunt Dana sitting down and enjoying a rest, and that was most definitely a rare occurance. Dylan was everything a Luna should be. Dare i say she was even more impressive to watch than my mother, who was indeed the queen, she set a high bar, and i felt like Dylan was raising it higher with every passing moment.

"Yes of course Dylan ye orange turd, didnt think i was talking about yer faggoty friend next to her did ye?" Uncle Sean let out a laugh, it was loud and quick and sounded like a machine gun emptying its drum. I joined in, the joke was barely funny, but Uncle Sean had a way of delivering a line that made anything hilarious, and if that wasnt enough his laugh certainly was. 

The "Faggoty friend" that Uncle Sean had mentioned turned out to be Jake. His arm was glued to Quinn's waist, which i was glad to see. I knew that Jake would never let anybody harm Dylan, but i wasnt totally convinced by his mate yet.

Jake had shared with me his instant love for our pack. He felt welcome, like he was finally home. This was once of the main reasons why i was considering his position as my Beta. His instant connection to us. Besides that, his forgiveness for keeping him from Quinn when they were first discovered on our lands, His guilty feelings for Cottons betrayal and his desperation to look after my sister because of it, he was proving himself to me without even knowing it. It seemed effortless for him, and thats what i liked.

"Ye know my boy, shes alot more gifted than ye think" Uncle Sean mumbled, his slurs worsening as the golden brown liquid passed his lips. 

"What do you mean?" i asked, still not able to take my eyes away from Dylan, she was now sharing a dance with my father, i was not a soft person, things like this did not often move me but right now, i was overwhelmed by the beauty of my mate and father dancing together. 

"She's magic in her blood, that one" Uncle Sean put his hand on my shoulder and whispered with a few sparks of saliva hitting my suit.

"Magic?" i asked.

"Yeah, know a bit about her grand papi i do, guess you could say im an old friend, know things about them i do, cause im an old friend" His speech was becoming less and less understandable, partly because he was repeating himself but also because he decided to talk with his mouth half full and so the words were destorted.

"Original shifters his line. First of all of us they are. Her ancestors i mean. Yep, they say her line isnt limited to just the wolves, could be a fucking bird if she wanted" He said sloshing his whiskey out of the glass and all over himself.

"Who knows about this?" i asked, i suddenly feared who else knew about this. Uncle Sean was drunk but i didnt doubt any word he said. He wouldnt never have enough creativity to make this up, but also, my father had told me stories about the original line of wolves and how they chose wolves because of their spiritual connection to the actual animal, but they were not limited to wolves like the rest of us were. 

"Just me, and i guess now you" he said pointing at me accusingly, like he suspected that i may go and tell people.

"Oh and Nina of course" He said holding his finger up and looking into mid air as if trying to remember somebody else.

"OH and of course, James" 

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