James Bond

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There was a pair of jeans, a blue tank and a black leather jacket laid out for me to wear.

Who put it there? No clue.

I quickly slipped everything on, then realized there was a note.

Change your hair style. We can not be noticed. -BD

I sighed and walked into the bathroom, what the hell could I do with my hair? I wore it natural so it was just in a curly mess on my head. Usually I look amazing but after being dropped and drowned my hair wasn't looking too great.

I sighed and got to work on straightening it.

After a good hour and many threats from Blue Doom of breaking the door down I was finally finished.

I hadn't straightened my hair in a good year so it was shocking to see that it was halfway down my back.

I quickly parted it so that you couldn't see my huge ass purple bruise on my forehead and add some red lipstick to cover up the cuts on my lips.

I didn't look completely awful, I just didn't look myself.

I walked out of the bathroom to see an annoyed looking villain.

He looked me up and down twice, no emotion on his face, "smart" he quickly uttered before standing up.

"Listen you and I are going on a little mission today, understood?" He asked me.

He was wearing normal clothes, nice designer jeans and a tee shirt with a hoodie on.

"Like spy kids?" I asked.

He gave me a dead look. "If you try to run, if you tell anyone I've kidnapped you, if you so much as wink at an officer, I'll snap your neck. Got it?" He said dangerously.

Sad thing is, I knew he'd do it to, "getting it" I muttered darkly.

"But won't everyone see that huge blue mask that covers half your face?" I asked him.

He turned around ripping the mask off, I could see the back of his head, he has his hair in a buzz cut barely any there. Then he put something on his face and turned around.

He had dark glasses on, but the weird thing was his face was so disoriented, almost like looking at him underwater.

I squinted my eyes and took a step closer, "what kind of disease do you have?" I asked him my eyes widening.

He pushed my face away from his, "the glasses make my face blurry so you can't see me, dipshit" he said quickly turning and walking out of the room.

I quickly followed him, "you don't have to be so mean" I muttered.

I followed him silently, he eventually took me outside where there was literally no one and nothing.

A cliff and a house.

Before I could even make a snide comment on his anti social living he had grabbed me by the waist a flew off into the sky.

I screamed like a banshee.

"Please shut up, my ear drum burst five minuets ago" he said annoyed as he continued to fly unbelievably fast.

I grabbed onto him like a leech.

My legs were wound tightly around his waist, my arms constricted around his neck and my face buried in his neck.

Before I knew it he had landed harshly on the ground.

I was still mini screaming, and refused to let go while he just stood there, arms at his sides, waiting.

"Listen we don't have all day, and your nervous break downs are giving me headaches" he said detaching my body from him.

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