The Very Beginning

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Before there was man and woman there was Power. Power came in all different forms and as He created this Power something magical came to mind. Beautiful and raw. Strong and Strange. He saw it and He brought it to life. 

Souls as pure as gold. Power as strong as steel. Women with the beauty that only His elements could possess. Dangerous but gorgeous. 

They controlled Power. 

They were Sources. 


"My love, please, you're going to kill the man", I sighed as I watched him twist the man's hand in an unnatural angle, making him scream in out in more pain. 

"Did you not see what he did to me!" he barked back at me, keeping his eyes burning at the poor man who was sobbing on his knees in pain. 

I rolled my eyes as I kicked the long skirt that covered my body in annoyance. Such a violent one. 

"You can buy new shoes. Plus, he barely stepped on them" I quipped as I shielded my eyes from the dust that was kicking up in the wind. 

A storm was coming. 

My storm was coming. 

"Blesk, love, we are going to be late. You know Rick Danvers will close his store any minuet now. Please, we have to get back quickly" I played at his heart strings. 

He would sprint across the world to get home to our children, if need be. Nothing came before them in his mind. 

He sighed annoyed as he dropped the poor man's hand, "leave. And never let me see your face again" he growled warningly as the poor man cried racing to his horse. 

He practically dove on his back before taking off into a full gallop. 

I pursed my lips as I turned back to Blesk. "Blesk ..." I started. 

He glared at me, his bright glowing white eyes conveying his unhappiness clearly. "Katya. I regret nothing" he stated strongly before leaning down, snatching my hand and proceeding to yank my body through the dusty dirt, into the small town of Clanesville. 

I tried to keep my temper with him, daring to try to ignore the sparks that licked up my hand from his contact. 

I just couldn't. 

I sped up and brought his large muscled arm to my chest, as I leaned into his body warmth. 

I love this man, with everything in me. 

He looked at me from the corner of his eye, his stiff posture never relaxing as he continued to march us into town. 

My eyes touched everything around me. These humans were doing so well with their innovations, their town was slowly but surely getting larger. 

I could already see the large bright buildings they would soon make, that touched the skies. But for now, the buildings were made completely out of wood. Painted nice bright colors, each one different. 

There was Doc Trent's Saloon on the end, which was placed closely to Betsy Dane's seamstress store, and many more. 

And to think just a few thousand years ago, there was nothing here. 

I smiled politely to the men and women we passed. 

Many did not smile back. 

Eventually the times will change, but for now my brown skin was not an appreciated site in this town. Few did not minded, however many did. 

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