So Quickly

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Katrina's POV

The world was in utter destruction around me. 

Blue was throwing everything he could get his hand on at Lee. Including people. 

The others were fighting for their lives, these ... machines, robots they weren't playing around. They were hear for blood. 

All the Supers were fighting for their lives, pure and unbelievable destruction was raining around the city. 

Screams of pure terror and fear were reaching my ears all the way from the sidewalks. 

It was all out war. 

And it was helping that I felt like I had just popped a Tylenol PM. 

I am utterly drained, my body felt like it was moving through water or syrup just to move. It was like someone had set me in a blender and let that bitch run on high. 

I felt more than disoriented. It was like I was now walking in two realities. One where I lost Blesk, and one where I was desperately trying to save Blake. 

Whatever I had seen, no, lived, it was much bigger than what I was currently bargaining for. If what I saw really happened, what I lived really happened, there was a reason I saw it. 

But I cannot focus on that now. 

I'm about to get out years worth of anger and aggression by torturing the shit out of my ex best friend. 

Sasha stood over a glaring Lia, with a scary look of excitement and a gleam that only van be described as extremely murder-y. 

I stood next to Sasha, Aria coming in behind me. 

Lia glared hard at me, her true hatred for me was shinning bright in her eyes and it ... it threw me. After all the shit that had happened between she and I, I never went back and talked it through with her. 

She never tried to talk it out with me. 

I leaned down so she and I were nearly eye to eye, "why, Li? What did I ever do to you that made you hate me?" I questioned her quietly. 

My best friend for so long glared harder at me. Her face twisted into pure anger and hatred, "why do you think you deserve everything? The nice house, the high family, the powerful boyfriend? I'm better than you Katrina Justice. I always have been, since the very first day we met. My everything keeps falling apart and you just keep winning. Well guess what? You lost. You are going to lose everything, starting with that cape wearing asshole. Even if I have to tear him away from you, just like I did with Lee. You're not special Katrina, your just a girl with shitty luck and curly hair" she snarled confidently. 

There was silence as we took in what she just said. 

I was pretty fucking speechless. 

I mean really?

"Just say the word Kat and I will stomp a bitch" Sasha said her foot literally twitching. 

I looked up at them, Aria was just as shocked as me. Sasha was fuming, I turn back to Lia who is practically steaming with anger. 

"So ... all this is just jealousy?" I asked blown away. 

I mean this is some baffling shit. I get the whole thing in high school where jealousy is unavoidable and girls do some pretty scaring shit. 

But the fact that she was feeling this at our age. 

I mean really?

"All of this-" I wave my hand at the utter chaos, "was all about jealousy? You are jealous of my psycho parents? Their psycho house that I lived in? And the obviously psychotic pedo douche of the boyfriend I had? You were jealous of all that?" I looked on at her completely blown away. 

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