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Aria's POV 

I hadn't taken a full breath since I had read what Klaus had stolen. We had been running, no sprinting, for the last twenty minuets, through the city trying to get back to the office. 

Blake was going to flip. 

Katrina was going to choke. 

Klaus had handed me the folder he had taken. Apparently reading gave him a headache. 

No comment. 

I had flipped through the slim pages, with disinterest, confused as to why he stole paper. 

But as my eyes followed the ink, I had sat up straighter, reading harder, shock settling over my body. 

Klaus said that the man who had the paper was the carrier, he knew nothing, which is why he was currently unconscious in an alley way instead of dead in a river. 

Such a criminal. 

We flew into Dun Inc. not even going for the elevator, but straight for the staircase. 

Don't think about the flights. Don't think about the flights. Do not think about the stairs. D..o no..t st..airs.. "oh shit I can't breathe" I cried up to Klaus who hadn't broken a single sweat. 

He didn't hesitate as he gripped me around the waist and before I could fully blink we were rushing through time and in Blake's office. 

I quickly stepped out of Klaus's arms and shoved open the side door that connected Blake's office to his penthouse bachelor pad. 

When I say I was expecting something so different than what I was staring at would be the understatement of the entire century. 

There was Blake who had frozen upon me throwing the door open. Nothing would be wrong with him if he had clothes on. 

The only thing that gave him any sense of coverage was the loose fitting boxer shorts that hung around his muscled waist. He seemed just as shocked as me. 

Time was completely frozen as I stood face to face with a man who I had only seen in fully fledge anger, or barely concealed agitation. 

Never had I seen him so open, the smile that had been previously there was gone as he stared in complete shock at us. 

Klaus was having trouble breathing as he stared at his older brother. 

Can this get anymore awkward?

Shouldn't have fucking asked. 

Because not a second later there was the shrill sound of a whistle just as quickly approaching stomping could be heard. 

Katrina came flying around the corner. 


She was dressed in short stripper cop booty shorts, a stripper cop top that only had one button so her sparkly dark blue cop bra that had the bright bold words of arrested smashed across her boobs. She even had on a hat and the whistle was placed firmly in her mouth. 

She obviously hadn't noticed us, "FREEZE THERE YOU SEXY CRIMINAL!" she bellowed as he squatted low and put her hand out at Blake who was already frozen. 

Klaus couldn't be mature any longer. 

He busted out laughing, making Katrina's whole body tense before her head slowly turned towards us shock written across her whole face as her crazy hair stuck out at every angle under her hat. 

Klaus raised his hands, "please don't arrest us" he choked out through his laughter. 

I slapped my hand over my mouth as I tried to swallow the dying laughter that was threatening to slip out. 

Katrina at that moment dropped the handcuffs that she must have had on her. 

Klaus actually stopped breathing. 

The laughs started to slip out of me as Klaus rolled on the floor dying of laughter. 

If this was my new family ... I think I could be perfectly fine with that. 

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