The box of mystery.

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And if you’re still breathing,

You’re the lucky ones.

Cause most of us are heaving

Through corrupted lungs.

Song Title; Youth - Daughter

Chapter one; 4/16/2013

Time Check; 10:59 PM

Author’s Note:  I could put the clues anywhere.





It’s our first day of school today, and I am now a senior. All of the students are now lined up per section here at the lobby for some announcements that will be made by our Directress.

“My dear student, I will expect a proper behavior this school year, yes? TO my nursery and toddlers, or to the little ones, behave and listen to the elderly….”

And then, someone poked me. I looked back and saw Jett. My bestfriend. He waved at me and smiled. I did the same thing and then went back to listening to our directress. Tsk Tsk. Jett’s late again. I smiled at the thought. Jett never changed.

“…to my highschool students, you know what and what not to do. You are old enough to make your own choices.”

The directress said more things and announcements. And also what to expect this school year. We all listened because she is scary when she’s angry.

After awhile…

“You may now go back to your classrooms” We all said thank you to her and then went back to our classroom without breaking the line. I’m a little small so I’m at the front of the line.

We arrived at our classroom. The Class Phoenix. That’s our section. I am seated at the back part of the room, left side, beside the window.  Jett seated beside me. At our back is Zach and Lana and Chelsea and Tyson. They’re my circle of friends since I was grade one.

It’s the first day of school, so, all we did was to introduce ourselves and then free time. We’re all seniors now so we all know most of our classmates, except for the new students, of course.

“So, how was your summer dogs and cats?” Tyson asked with a grin in his face

“Same old, same old. We went to different parts of the country to discover beautiful and unknown beaches.” Chelsea said

“Rich kid!” Zach muttered

“I’m not!” Chelsea protested and then crossed her arms

“Bout cha, Jett?” Chelsea asked

“Oh you know..  training, beach, club, girls.” Jett said and then winked at Chelsea, but Chelsea just rolled her eyes.

“What he really meant was.. at the house. In his room. Listening to music. Pretending he’s allergic to the sun.” Lana said. Oh by the way, Lana is his twin.

“HAHAHAH!” We all laughed, that is so Jett!

“Bout cha Sav?” Lana and Tyson asked in unison. Jesus! Why don’t they just admit they like each other?

I sighed. And they sighed too. With just one sigh, they know what I did.

“I… I.. uhhh… I went to visit Clyde. And then I stayed at home with my parents and brother.”

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