Eyes are watching.

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All the other kids

With the pumped up kicks

You’d better run, better run

Outrun my gun.

Song Title; Pumped Up Kicks – Foster the People

Chapter one; 4/20/2013

Time Check; 12:18 PM

Author’s Note:  Keep your eyes open wide.




After I made sure she got the box with a flower in it, I smiled. I will see her soon. And when I see her soon, I will make sure she is not scared. I will make sure she is ready… for anything.

I was the one who killed her life. I was the one who she will hate the most. There is a play that will  happen. And everyone is my puppet.

And I will make sure blood will pour. They will have to face the consequences. They did this to me.

Soon, their secret will be out. They were the one who killed my world and it’s all because of their little dare. It’s because of their stupid dare!

They will pay. They will have to pay. Soon. But for now, I will watch how my little play goes.


It’s Friday now, so that means we’ve been to school for a week now, and we’re pretty much close to everyone.

It’s really weird how most of our classmates from our third year life are still our classmates now. It’s pretty odd. I have a bad feeling about this. But maybe it’s nothing. Maybe I’m being paranoid.

But what really bothers me is.. most of our classmates from before who are still our classmates now, are the ones who had fun with the dare… But past is past! It should be!

“Hey, Sav.” I poked sav. Since Zach, Lana, Jett and Tyson are sleeping. Talk about hypersomniac people!

“Hmmm?” She said

“Doesn’t it bother you that.. most of our classmates from before when we are still third year, are still our classmates now? I mean, call me paranoid.. but.. maybe someone’s planning something?” I said

“Hey! Don’t scare me! I know what you’re thinking.. and yes, I noticed that too. But like what you guys said.. past is past! If it’s about the dare… it’s over. And we’re not doing it ever again.” She said and then she looked at me in the eyes.

“I hope. But I’m really scared.” I said

She held my hand “Let’s not assume things. Past is past.”

I breathe in and nodded. Yeah.. she’s right.. past is past.. but what if someone wants to take revenge? What if someone wants us to re-live the past?

Oh God. Please no. All of us changed now. Our third year classmates, all of them, they changed now.

What we did was wrong.. and we regret that.

But what if it’s too late?


When Chelsea told me that she noticed something odd, my heart beats fast. I noticed it too. And it’s really  odd. Our senior year is just like our junior life because it’s like we’re all in the same room.

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