Chapter 6

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Sorry it's short I just had to quickly update now cause I can't update on hoilday
Lucy x
Calum's POV
After I hung up on Luke I sit down slightly depressed and confused

Flossy's comes running in terrified.

"Baby girl what's wrong?"

"Something's wrong" she trembles

"What is it Flo?"

"There's a lady crying in the toliet"

"Sophie?" I call panicked.

"Go away" her shaky voice whispers

"Sophie unlock the door" I say more softly.

She whimpers as she unlocks it.

"What's wrong?" I ask gently.

"I...I" she runs out of weirds and breaks into fresh sobs.

"Sophie tell me please" I sympathise.

"I'll show you" she just about manages.

She leads me by the hand and drags me further into the bathroom.

I'm face to face with a blood filled toilet bowl.

I look at her distressed face and know what I wish I didn't.

"I want to go home" she sobs

Ashton's POV
I'll start changing into a different person tommorow.

Today I'm occupied.

In a good way though - drum practice.

There's a loud knock on the door that I'm surprised I can hear over the drumming.

I hurry down the stairs and open the door.

A weeping mess flings her arms around me.

I tighten my grip around her.

"Your home early" I mumble.

"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry" she whispers again and again.

"For what?" I ask.

"I lost the baby Ash, I...I hate myself"

Shocked i loosen my grip on her a little.

"What?" I ask disbelieving.

"I'm so sorry Ash"

"It's not your fault" I pull her closer.

"I know Ash but I've done something terrible"


"I can't tell you"

"You have to"

Alex's POV
I enter the cafe looking around anxiously.

She sat at the same table we always sit at.

I go and join her and smile happily.

"So how's Dan?"

"Annoying as always" I groan.

"Ahh I couldn't meet with Calum" she groans.

"Really why?" I can't help sounding disappointed.

"Because he pulled out last minute" she scowled.

"All I want is revenge" I whine.

"I know" she pouts.

"I want him to be messed around and dropped like I was"

"I know you do but you don't even like him anymore...right?" She frowns uncertainly.

"No of course I don't, he just hurt me - badly" I reassure truthfully.

"Make me believe you" she demands.

"Fine" and with that I slowly kiss roses lips.

Long Way Home // sequel to English Love Affair // 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now