chapter 19

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I had the entire thing in my mind as I dressed. A good first impression, er, second, when meeting Alpha Buchanan and Alpha Da Xian. Donovan had given me a bit of a run down on their titles, and stuff, and the things Miss Jass had told me earlier were sticking too. As I was walking down from the third floor to the second floor. Alister's office was on the second floor, and Donovan had told me that's where everyone was for this meeting. When I got to the second floor landing, I found one of my guards waiting for me.

I wore a more conservative off white sweater, navy blue leggings and my hair was done up in a neat bun. I looked presentable. I looked professional. I really wanted them to like me.

He gave me a side glance, then looked towards stairs to the main floor. "You have a guest, Madam Al--"

I held up my hand. "If we're going to have all these honorifics thrown around, can we go with Miss Sam? Madam makes me sound like I know what I'm doing." I grinned up at him.

The large vampire looked down at me. His blue eyes were gauging me, and after a few moments nodded.

"No hard feelings about earlier?" he asked, his voice even and low.

I looked up at him. I narrowed my eyes and furrowed my brow. He pointed to his forehead, then motioned to me.

"....Oh! It was you!" I said, slapping my hands together in realization. This was the guy I had headbutt, and hurt myself on. "Daniel?"

"Danny." he had flinched at the noise my hands had made.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm better now. All healed up and you said I had a guest?" I slapped his shoulder, making the guy cringe from the contact.

"She's in the kitchen." Danny pointed. "It seemed urgent and Cosma thought you needed it."

I nodded, then continued down the stairs. I walked down the hallway, past the living room area and into the kitchen.

Sitting at the table with a cup of tea, dressed in a white sleeveless blouse and long floral skirt, was my mother.

Imelda Reyes-Sinclaire looked up at me and I knew I was in deep shit with her. I had felt a chill down in my bones and my heart retreated deep in my gut. She motioned to the seat across from her. There was a tea pot and matching cup waiting for me.

One of the other vampires, Tim, reached foreward and filled my cup.

"So this is where you've been?" my mom said, her voice low. She sounded tired. "Playing house with these people?"

"I've... I got hurt and they patched me up." I didn't want to tell her I got kidnapped and nearly killed twice. I stirred the red liquid in my cup with a delicate looking spoon. I frowned and looked at Tim, questioning what I was going to be drinking.

"Rose and chamomile," he said, looking flustered.

"Sorry for not calling you or Roanne, I lost my phone... How's everything?" I asked, keeping my tone even.

Was she mad I hadn't called? Or that I had gotten them moved for a few days to a new place for a few days. That I had basically cut myself off of all communications.

"This isn't like highschool anymore, Jessamine." she said, my name sounding like a curse on her lips. Her mother language slipped, accent thick on my name. "You're not a little kid anymore! You can't just transform where ever and not expect for people to be okay with it!"

"....The video online." I said slowly. "I can have someone hack it and have all that stuff erased... Photos too, it's not that big a deal... And the school can be rebuilt..."

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