Chapter 2

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"So tell us Harry. How's London ? We've only been to Manchester when we left Donny !" Jay chuckles, teeth exposed as she stirs her steaming tea. "Lou has visited Brighton multiple times since his girlfriend studies there, but other than that we don't travel at all !"

Harry props both elbows on the large table. Louis is sat right in front of him and his cheeks are still as red as they were a few minutes ago when he squeezed his palm. He folds his hands and rests his head on his joined fingers, tilting his head on the side in pure bliss.

"Is that so ?" Harry asks Louis, smiling to his ears.

Louis stutters inaudible noises and turns to Harry's dad to dodge those mocking green eyes.

"Eleanor lives in a beautiful apartment facing the beach. She made me visit the lanes and we went to several festivals there. It's lovely." He explains, sipping on his tea as soon as he catches his breath.

"Lovely, indeed." Harry chuckles. "Does she know you're-" He starts but snorts when a foot kicks his shin. He coughs to mask his slight pain and apologizes, Gemma jumping in when she sees her brother struggle for some reason.

"How's the long distance relationship going ? I mean, Brighton is not on another continent, but it must be so hard !" Gemma pities him.

"Yeah, I'm sure a lot of things get real hard when you're not with her, huh ?" Harry pretends to be concerned, earning another painful kick under the table, making him squeak in his hand.

"It's tough, yes. But um, we love each other so..." Louis says unsure, but only Harry can sense that.

"Wow, I don't know if I could be this far from Evan for this long. I need my cuddle buddy !" Gemma jokes and everyone laughs, except Jay.

"Louis and Eleanor have a different type of relationship..." Jay says, clearly judging Harry's sister.

"How so ?" Harry frowns, extremely curious and hysterically laughing in his head.

"They-" Jay begins but Louis takes over, smiling at his mom as if to apologize for daring talking for himself.

"We share the same view on what makes a good and um...virtuous...relationship." He says with a low voice and both Harry and Gemma's mouth drop.

The two siblings look at each other across the table and share a secret conversation only their dad can hear, because he's the one who raised them and threw innuendos everywhere and talked birds and bees for hours the way he told bedtime stories.

"That's very honourable Louis ! Great example !" Des cheered as Gemma made vomit noises behind her napkin and Harry just cackled a loud laugh, scrunching his nose, eyes getting watery.

"Harry !" Des scolds and his son apologizes as he wipes his eyes.

"They vowed to stay pure until marriage. It's entirely based on a shared will to live a pure life around the abundance of sin around." Jay smiles at her son, stroking his hand on the table, gently tapping the silver chastity ring on Louis' finger.

"Anyways..." Gemma decided to change the subject, probably on the verge of cry laughing just like her brother. "Dad, Poppy invited me over tonight. Is that okay or did you plan something for everyone ?"

"Oh um..." Des shuffles in his chair.

"Actually..." Jay intercepts and Harry's starting to think this woman has to speak for everybody in this house. "We were thinking Scrabble night !" She sounds way more excited than she should. Harry almost regrets loving that game because he just can't cope having something in common with this dictator in a white summer dress.

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