Chapter 4

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"Morning !" Harry yawns when he steps outside, rubbing his tummy at the sight of all the food in front of him. He was really starting to get used to this daily gargantuan breakfast.

He waves hello to the table and sits down, quickly grabbing the fruit juice to pour it in his cup and try his best not to glance for too long at Louis.

They had fallen asleep in Harry's bed the night before, and Harry was delighted to find Louis' arms around him and feel him breathe behind his neck when he woke up.

He had brought his hand up a bit and curled himself into his chest before falling asleep again, lulled by the sound of him quietly snoring in the cutest way one can snore.

He goes to sit in front of him as usual and looks up from the rim of his filled Spiderman cup to smile at him, making Louis blush and give him a fond grin he tries to tone down when Des starts talking.

Harry asks Gemma to pass him the basket of croissants while his dad explains something about bread, and chooses the strawberry jam to split the pastry in two and spread it on. He keeps eyeing Louis who avoids his eyes, but this time to smile to himself, and not frown thinking of a fight to start.

"So, what did you guys do last night ?" Gemma asks and both Louis and Harry look at each other in shock before realizing she's asking everyone about the film, not what her 'brothers' were up to.

"We watched Of God and Men...Wonderful movie." Jay says, throwing her arms above her head as if to thank the Lord for this two hour footage about seclusion.

"You guys missed the end though..." Des remarks, pointing between Louis and Harry with his fork. "We actually wanted to talk to you about that. You were being very loud so we couldn't really ignore it."

Harry's heart is racing and he stuffs his face with his croissant to have an excuse for his open mouth. Louis is fidgeting, picking at his piece of bread as he looks down at his plate. Neither dare looking at each other.

"Look, we know you haven't been getting along and keep bickering." Jay adds. "But last night sounded quite violent boys...We thought the room was going to explode !"

"Well, something did explode..." Louis whispers in his napkin and coughs before frowning to act focused on the conversation. Harry immediately giggles in his fist and hooks his toes around Louis' ankle under the table, brushing his feet against his shin as if to thank him for that very explosion.

"Sorry about that. We're working things out." Harry says seriously.

"I'm glad to hear that." Des nods. "I even had to pause the film at some point and go upstairs, but then you went quiet so I figured I'd leave you alone."

Harry wonders for a minute how he would have explained what was happening if his dad had walked in on them, and tilts his head on the side with widened eyes, trying hard to keep his comments to himself.

Louis and him are playing footsie and not really paying much attention to what's being said until Gemma's phone rings on the table. Everyone thinks she might take the entire tablecloth on her way to the living room, squeaking as soon as she sees 'Evan' on the screen. He's currently traveling around Asia with his family, so each call is not to be missed.

"How's Eleanor doing, Louis ?" Des takes the opportunity to ask.

"Um...she's...She's doing well. Um..." Louis stutters.

"Do you think she could be the one ?" Des smiles but Louis turns green.

"I...I mean I..."

"Oh my god !" Lottie saves her brother without even knowing, or almost... "What is that ?!"

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