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They're making me write in this dumb diary again. I have no clue why they think this is a good idea, I could just lie and withhold information here too... Like I'm no dummy. I'm a pretty good liar, well I've gotten good at it, from lying how school was fine to lying about self harm and my feelings, hell I even lie to myself sometimes. Now the latest lies I've been telling are about food, "I packed enough lunch" "I had enough breakfast" all that jazz.

I have no idea what to write tbh, they want my "Life Story" but idek now where to start (they said "anywhere" it wasn't helpful at all)

Maybe I'll just talk about... the little things you notice when you gain or lose.

Little Things.

Bracelets fitting loser,

Sliding down your wrist.

Being scared of Doctor appointments,

Because god forbid they weigh you.

A little more hair on your brush,

More than normal.


The most awful thing in the world.

How your ribs poke out,

Only a bit.

How you want to see more,

Need to see more.

Ok I suck at poetry let's be honest here. Tim said that my poem was "disturbing" I prefer "interesting" or "special". Haha, they were the ones who wanted me to write, I don't quite think they ment like that tho.

But ok, now I'll seriously write, I guess...

Oooh Dance moms is on. Bye!

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