One more chance

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$I'd like to thank @justaniallgirl_ Also known as skylar for helping me and Id like to thank everyone too for voting and the reads and for following me it really means a lot so thank you people love you all my peanut buddies :)$

Jessica's POV

I woke up to the smell of a strong cologne when I look up My lips bumped into someone else's lips I stop and freeze and look back to see a Justin? What is he doing here at juniors house?

"Justin what are you doing here!?" I hiss angrily

" jessi please just hear me out!" He pleads I shake my head in no

"No Justin YOU hear me ok? We had just started dating and you go and do that shit" Justin whimpered

"Jessi just please let me explain please atleast give me two minutes to hear me out I beg you please!" He pleas pleaded. But I didn't budge but I knew he wouldn't give up so I gave in and nodded. He sighed I started counting


" ok so I was changing getting ready to take you out when suddenly my door bell rings I run and open the door to see my ex girlfriend Katy she started to push me until I fell onto the couch and she jumped on me and started to kiss me I tried pushing her off of me but she wouldn't budge and stayed on me I kept pushing her but still no and it was too late cause you already had walked in and I'm really sorry I really love you I just got you and I don't want to lose you please Jessica I really love you!"

"And 0!" I counted last

I hug Justin and he hugs me back tightly but then pulls back and asks " no kiss?" I shake my head in no and he asks "why?!" I turn into my sass mode on and say "cause dat bitch over der (there) put her nasty lips on my mans lips so unless you wash that fat mouth my lips aren't touching those lips so go into that damn bathroom and use some mouthwash and wipe your mouth pleaseeee !" he stands up and solutes me like a soldier I still wondering how in the world did he get in here in juniors house? when Justin returns I ask him

"Justin how did you get in here?"

"Oh erm.. your friend called me from your phone and once he told me where you were i quickly came over and punched him in the nose for not taking you hom instead of bringing you here" My jaw dropped

"Aww my baby was jealous weren't you babe?" I asked

"Well um you see umm yes" he said stuttering I smiled and kissed him but then I remembered Junior! I quickly pulled away from Justin which caused him to groan I ran downstairs ignoring the calls from Justin

"Junior! ,junior where are you!!?" I yelled I suddenly hear coughing in the living room and run to see a bloody junior laying on te floor I run to him and hug him

"Junior are you ok!?" I asked him

"Yea sorry if your disgusted " he whimpered

"No junior it's ok come on let's help you get cleaned up" I gave him a slight smile he nodded and tried to stand but fell back I quickly ran to his side and helped him up and called for Justin

"Justin! Justin come help me with junior!" He quickly ran to help me

"Sorry dude" Justin apologizes to junior

"Justin his name is junior!" I say to him he gives me an oh and we sit junior on top of the kitchen counter I quickly look for a first aid kit once I find it I run over to junior while Justin sits on a chair waiting patiently I I wet a piece of cotton with some disinfectant water and carefully dabbed his face carefully and wipep all of the blood off

"Thanks Jessi" i smile sweetly at him and hug him and he hugs me back tightly he kisses my forehead and as if on call i feel Justin pull me away and growl at junior

"Justin relax he's just my friend no need to get jealous babe even though jealous looks hot on you" I wink at him

"Junior better keep his hands off of my girl unless he wants to meet pepito and Carlos " he says kissing his two muscular arms I laugh and glare at him and say

"Whatever you say 'mr I'm so tough I can beat up my friends ,friend "

he laughs and looks at me confused

"Wait did you just say my friends friend?" I nod

"But I thought you were my girlfriend babe?"

"Nope nobody has asked me yet , that means you still have a chance junior" I turn around and face junior and wink at him holding in my giggles he quickly plays along

"Yay! Jessica will you be my girlfriend?" Junior says

"Oh yes junior I'd love too!" I run and hug him causing Justin to growl even more

"Justin we're just joking you know I love you but for real no one has asked me out so I'm a single birdy well junior we better get going here's my number call me sometime buddy " he nods. And I right down my phone number on a piece of paper and hand it to him he smiles and hugs me and says "I'll call you later jessi and once again thanks bye jessi and erm bye Justin"

"Byeee!" I smiled sweetly at him

"Bye!" Justin growled angrily

-----------on the way home--------------

"Justin why are you so angry!?" I asked him

I stopped and froze at my spot

"Cause that bitch tried hitting on you and you still gave him your phone number!" He said walking away

"Justin but you know I love you! Not him you!"

"But still!"

"Just stop being such a fucking dumb ass and realize that I only love you!"

"You do?"

"Of course I do stupid!" He turned around and hugged me and kissed me and which i of course didn't hesitate and kissed him back after which like seemed like forever I slowly pulled away and intertwined our fingers and as we happily walked home

I fell in love with the boy i bulliedWhere stories live. Discover now