You got me a what!??

616 13 2

Justin's POV

Me and jessi were at the mall randomly shopping having a good time when i see a pet store and jessi immediately stops in front of it and drags me inside I walk over to the pup side and start to pet random puppies when one Puppy specifically caught my eye a little blue Great Dane he was adorable with his floppy ears and his blue-ish ,grey-ish little fur and his bright blue eyes that made me think of the beautiful ocean he was adorable he started to lick my hand and bark happily i know jessi LOVES great danes som i getting her this one sonwhile she was distracted petting some little bunnies i called a employee over he quickly came over next to me

"Hello sir , my name is Gustavo how may I help you today?" He greeted

"Hi Gustavo yeah I'd like to reserve that little Great Dane" I say pointing over to the little fur ball that u wanted

"When would you like to purchase the pup sir?" He said picking the puppy up and storing him in a large cage with a huge sign that said RESERVED

"I'd like to take him home with me today afternoon like around 6? It's because I want it to be a surprise for my girlfriend!" I say excitedly

"Well sit that's great! Would you like to get the puppy any accessories,leashes would you like him in out special box which is where the pup can go into a box where he could breath of course and the box can be wrapped like a present?" He offered I nodded

"Yes ,please I'd like the special box,a blue leash and a red leash and a blue collar and a red collar too along with dog food,a water bowl and a food bowl , some pup clothing and ermm some little boots for the little fellas paws and three extra large fluffy beds for him " I said smiling Gustavo nods and asks

"Anything else sir?"

"No that is it" I respond

"Would you like to pay now or once you get the pup sir?" I chuckle at his each and every answer he keeps calling me sir when I'm not that old!

"Justin ,call me Justin Gustavo and I'd like to pay right now without my girlfriend seeing please?" He nods and walks over to jessi he starts talking to her then distracts her completely by showing her some kittens and walks back over to me while holding to thumbs up

"Ok sir i mean erm Justin lets go get you that pup officially reserved" he says shyly smiling I nod and and walk over to the counter with him once I finish paying I walk over jessi and grab her shoulder and Turing her around so that she could face me I wrap my arms around her waist and smile as she wraps her arms around my neck I bend a little down to kiss her softly on the lips she giggles against my lips but doesn't pull away and begins to kiss me back when we hear

"AYE!! NO PDA IN A PET STORE!" We turn and look over to see a lady staring at us angrily I walk over to her quickly and say

"Shut it granny!" I feel a small tug in my arm and see jessi trying to pull me away from my sass argument that's about to begin with this old lady


" SHUT IT LADY STUPID LADY BITCH DUMB LADY BITCH 2+2 NOT KNOWING WHAT THE FUCK IT IS BITCH!! LONG TITTY NO NIPLE ASS BITCH!!" I yelled back angrily (and i got this from kevin hart - mrs green lmfao ~Estephanie ;-p)

I feel another tug from jessi I was about to turn around to face her when the old douche of what you call lady smacked me across the face with her damn purse!

"Damn lady what the fuck is in there rocks!!?" I yell back at her while holding me cheek she just huffs and walks away I grab Jessica's hand and pull her onto my back giving her a piggy back ride to the car she giggles and on sorta tight she notices my still red cheek and bends down a little to kiss lastly a little longer than she should ,when I thought she was going to pull away I feel her wet yet soft tongue glide across my cheek and into my mouth I moan out slightly on delight and put jessi down while pushing her onto my cars door not breaking the kiss we both suddenly have to pull back for air she smiles and pecks my lips on last Time before hoping into the car while I placed the shopping bags into the trunk and I begin to drive home while holding my lovers hand I drop jessi off at her house and give her a tight hug and kiss whispering in her ear

I fell in love with the boy i bulliedWhere stories live. Discover now