The kiss

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I was so excited I kept pacing on my room and then my door bell ringed I ran downstairs and and flew the door open and there stood and scared looking Justin

"Hey justin" I say

"Hi" he says

"Come with me" I say and grab his hand leading him to my room once we reach there I close the door and lock it and turn back to Justin who looks terrified and says

"W-what are y-you doing?"

"Shh Justin just hush" I slightly push him up against the wall and stand in my tippy toes and cup his face with my hands and place my lips on his he just stands there for a second shocked and then suddenly begins to kiss me back right when he did I felt so many butterflies in my belly as I slowly pulled away

"J-Justin d-did y-you f-feel?"

"Yes" he  replies quickly
I nod and slightly smirk I like Justin I do! He slips out of my grip and says

"No Jessica this can be happening no matter how good it felt we cant do this.." He had tears in big green eyes that make him look even more adorable I smile lightly and hold his hands

"Justin yes we can I'm really really really so sorry that I ever bullied you but I really do like you Justin I really do and I'm really sorry I don't know how but I'll make it up to you!" I yell back holding my tears back

" no Jessica that will ruin your reputation!" He whimpers

"No Justin I don't care!" I yell and hug him tightly he hugs me back too which makes me smile and say

"Justin I don't care I care more about us than about my reputation!". he slowly nods I grab his face face and pull my lips on to his he smiles and kisses me back I smile in between our kiss and lay down on my bed Justin does the same and I cuddle up to his chest and slightly fall asleep in his huge ,warm and protective arms he kisses my forehead and falls asleep too


When I woke up to look at a wonderful sight which was Justin I shake him softly and here him whimper I softly peck his lips and his eyes shot right open he smiles down at me and hugs me tightly I let out a small chuckle and say

"Justin lets go out pleaseeee" he chuckles and nods we get up and I shoo him away to his house so that he could get ready he tells me he's going to pick me up at 4:55 so I jump into a hot shower and relax my body against the burning feeling once I finish I plug in my straightener and blow drier and put some navy blue skinny jeans with a blue and navy blue Striped t-shirt and wear my brown ugg boots finally I put on some mascara and some eyeliner and straighten my hair and spray some SOMEDAY perfume by Justin bieber yeah I'm a directioner but I also like Justin bieber and run downstairs outside of my flat and sit at my door steps waiting for Justin I quickly text my mom letting her know that Im going to be at the mall and that I'm taking Tony and Mark and one if her credit cards 
my mom replies an ok :) I smile slightly and keep waiting for Justin wondering where is he.


I was at my house getting ready when I hear the doorbell ring I run downstairs and open the door to see Katy you see Katy is my ex girlfriend from along long time ago even before I moved here to Boston but what is she doing here I thought she still lived in California ??

"Katy what are you doing here?" I hiss

"Babe I missed you and I know you missed me too!" She says and comes inside and closes the door I stand there shocked I shake my head and say

"You're wrong I didn't miss you now leave!" she shakes her head and pushes me on the couch I fall on my back laying there she jumps on me and begins to kiss me I tried to push her but she just wouldn't budge


I decide to go Justin's house to see what's taking him so long once I get there I check to see if the doors unlocked which it was, I open the door to see justin Laying down on te couch with a girl on top of Him kissing each other!


I yell at him which makes the girl on top of him fall to the floor and causes him to jump

"No Jessica it's not what it looks like!" He yells back

"Stay away from me!" I cry out to him the girl on the floor smirks and and chuckles

"And you!" I say pointing to her

"I hope your happy shove him up your ass you fucking bitch!" I see Justin waking towards me and tries to grab my hands I flick my hands away from his reach

"don't fucking dare to touch me you douche!" I cry

"No Jessica please let me explain!" He yells back letting tear drops fall from his eyes

"Bye!" I yell at him and walk out of his house and run all the way to my house right when it began to rain I kept hearing footsteps and I look back to see justin running towards me I look to my right and see the park I run towards and hide behind a tree I slid down and began to cry and cry hugging my knees and covering my face with my hands I hear even more footsteps I look up to see a blond boy with hair in a quiff he bends down next to me and holds me up bridal style and begins to run to a yellow mustang and sits me in the passenger seat he goes to the other side and sits down at the drivers seat but doesn't start the engine he takes his coat off and puts it on me
"Who are you and why are you being so nice"

" its pouring out and you dont seem okay. I promise i wont hurt you but what's wrong?" I shake my head as he starts the engine and drives off to someplace which I guess is his home I look up to see him closely and see that he has gorgeous blue eyes and a small little mustache which I think looks kinda cute on him and glances at me and smirks

"Like what you see babe?" He winks I chuckle and blush he just a laughs loudly and we finally get to a stop he Carried me inside again bridal style and sits me on the couch

"So what's a lovely lady doing crying and wet at a park at this time?" He smiles,I smile at him and tell him everything that happened this after noon he's nods and tells me things about him like that he's 18 and that his name is Junior we talked so much and he gave me one of his sweats and t-shirts and let's me sleep in his bed too while he sleeps on the couch I thank him and go change and jump onto his queen size bed and doze off which I didn't care that I was in a strangers house I was too disappointed and sad

I fell in love with the boy i bulliedWhere stories live. Discover now