Chapter Five: The Gloves Come Off

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Without warning Samyan Kad raised his boots off the ground and aimed the soles of his feet in the direction of his former brother. With a concussive burst, two micro pulses of repulsor energy shot from his boots and slammed into Diran’s chest. The force of the blast sent him flying backward five meters into the closest wall, knocking the wind out of him. The recoil in turn sent Samyan sliding across the floor. He used the momentum to smoothly transition to a prone position and ignited the jet pack.

“See you later, Lu’ika. Say hi to mom for me.”

Lucas flew back. His brother had caught him off guard. He felt a concussive burst strike him. He flew backward, losing his grip on the blaster, sending it twirling out into the atrium. He struck a wall hard and crumpled to the ground. Flat on his back, he strained to take his next breath. He heard the whine of Samyan’s jets, he know what was coming next. The room filled with flames and he knew the backward facing blaster mounts would begin to fire randomly along with the flames to cover his escape. It was time for his last resort.

From his boot, his hold-out weapon launched out and slammed into his hand. The ignition activated by the impact, there was a snap-hiss sound as a blue blade of energy rose from the handle and began to intercept bolts of energy showering down on him from his opponent. He sent them into walls and furniture in the room with ease and accuracy. He hadn’t once had to call his lightsaber into action in the past two years, but the current situation, he felt, warranted it.

It was just like he remembered, the energy blade acting as a conduit allowing the force to flow through him, into his lightsaber and guiding his movements, making his senses acute. He had to maneuver from a position resting his lower back, kicking his legs, simultaneously dodging and blocking.

The flurry ended almost as soon as it had started. But his lungs were oxygen starved with the extra effort, and they ached to take in a deep breath. The air around him was superheated and suffocating him. Flames licked at his clothing. If he didn’t disperse the heat quickly, he would burn or suffocate to death. He drew the force within himself and then released a spherical kinetic blast that emanated outward cleared the room of the flame and heat.

The oxygen was gone now too, along with any air molecule within 10 meters in any direction for that matter. The floor buckled, the ceiling rippled, wooden and plasteel furniture were suddenly sent on trajectories with such great force they disintegrated in mid air. He now existed in a molecular black hole, just him and the force. The blade blinked out, but he could still sense the focusing crystal in the hilt. He held on to consciousness and concentrated, calming himself, slowing his heart rate, just like he’d been taught. With the atmosphere gone, there was just silence until seconds later, fresh air moved into the vacuum and then he could breathe again.

That large transparisteel bay window should do the trick. Samyan targeted the window with his last set of Det darts. They each stuck into the window cracking it and when the right button was pressed on Samyan’s gauntlet, the det-cord connecting the two, exploded. A few more blasts from his wrist mounted blaster and the pane splintered heavily, he hoped that he could gain enough momentum to break through when he, in turn impacted the pane.

Then another force hit him from behind, a force he didn’t create. It doubled his speed and he slammed into the damaged transparisteel window with more than enough velocity to break through. He veered and wobbled until finally, he steadied. He calculated an escape route for the under-city and increased his thrust.

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