1: The Beginnings

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It was another normal summer morning in the 3-bedroom Dursley house, 4 Privet Drive. So far, the summer of 1991 was enjoyable for both of the boys in the household. The two cousins, close as brothers, were almost always together. They even chose to share a room, even though there was enough space for each to have their own. Harry was a bit thinner and taller, with unruly black hair, emerald green eyes, and an interesting lightning shaped scar on his forehead, just above his eyebrows. His Aunt Petunia told him that he received that scar the night his parents died. His cousin, Dudley, was slightly shorter than Harry, and slightly larger too, receiving some of his build from his father. He has sandy blonde hair, and blue eyes. Being 8 days older than Harry was good enough to taunt him with. June 21 was an interesting day in their house.

Smelling bacon wafting up the stairs, Vernon knocked on the boys' door. "Breakfast in 10 boys! Be down in 9 or else no extra bacon!"

Sleep-filled voices calling "Yes Dad" and "Yes Uncle Vernon" were all Vernon heard as he sauntered down the stairs. Inside the boys' room was a bit of a different story.

"Remember Harry, we're going to have to stay in our room after supper tonight."

"Tonight's the night that Uncle is going to try to land that big sale with that construction company, isn't it?" Dudley nods as he grabs a shirt from the closet and tosses it to Harry. "I like the red one better."

"But you have no sense of coordination, and this goes better with those pants." Dudley explains.

"Fine. You're right. What am I going to do next year when we go off to Smeltings?"

"Pray that Daddy is able to pull enough strings to get us as roommates?" Harry nods as he tucks his shirt in.

"Boys!" Petunia calls. "Breakfast in 2 minutes." The two rush the last minute adjustments and practically hurtle down the stairs. They are seated just as Vernon comes walking in from getting the mail.

"Bill. Bill. Oh, darn, Marge is sick and won't be able to come down for the boys' birthdays. Petunia, you got a postcard from your friend Yolanda, says she just broke her leg and is in a cast for three months." One last envelope lay in Vernon's hands. "And this letter's for Harry." Harry perks up.

"May I ask what it is Uncle Vernon? I've never gotten a letter before."

"I'll give it to you after breakfast. Your aunt and I have a few things to explain to you."

"Yes Uncle Vernon."

A/N: Sorry that it's such a short chapter. But after a conversation with a fellow Potterhead, this plot-bunny ran rampant through my mind, demanding to be heard.

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