4: Meeting of the Mother

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Harry sees Lily lying on the bed, hooked up to some machines keeping track of her heart rate and blood pressure. He moves slowly towards the bed, nervous at meeting his mum for the first time. Sitting in the chair next to the bed, he takes Lily's hand. "Hi mum." He says nervously. "It's me, Harry. I'm turning eleven soon and I just got my Hogwarts letter. I'm so happy you're alive!" Harry exclaims. "Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon have been good to me, but I've always wanted to know my parents. Every birthday, I've blown out the candles, wishing for you or dad to come and take me into your arms. Sure, I get hugs from Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, but it's not the same as getting a hug from your actual parent." He looks down and smiles. "I've drawn pictures of what the first time meeting you would be like, but the pictures have never looked like this. I just want you to come back to me mum. Come back to me. I want you in my life. Please Mum. Please." Harry pleaded, tears streaming down his face and clouding his vision. He looks up abruptly when he hears murmurs.

"Harry... Harry..." His mum mumbles.

"I'm here Mum, I'm here."

"Harry. My... baby..." He can see her eyes start to flutter behind her eyelids, like she's on the brink of waking up. Harry strokes her hand, his tears streaming faster.

"Aunt Petunia!" Harry calls gently. She walks in briskly. "You might want to be here for this." He tells her, turning back to Lily. Petunia pops her head out in the hall long enough to tell the orderly to fetch a Healer. Three and a half minutes later, Lily's emerald eyes fly open and she sits up abruptly. "Mum, we're here. Just calm down. Please." Harry begs. Petunia steps into the hallway and calls for a Healer. Lily slowly leans back and takes her surroundings in.

"Harry? When did you get so big?" She asks. "Tuney? What are you doing here? Where's James?"

"Lily, do you know what day it is?"

"October 31, 1981." The Healer took that moment to burst in. He smiles at Lily before turning to Harry and Petunia.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to step out." They nod and comply. "Mrs. Potter, can you tell me where you are?"

"Based on what it looks like, I'd say Saint Mungo's."

He nods. "Do you know why?" She shakes her head. "Do you know the date?"

"It's either October 31 or November 1, 1981. Why?" He scribbles a few things down on her chart.

"Mrs. Potter- Lily. Today is July 10th, 1991. You've been in a magically induced coma for 10 years." She gasps and asks why. "On the evening of October 31, the Dark Lord forcibly entered your home, killing your husband upon entry. He then made his way up the stairs and to your nursery. His killing curse rebounded off of the dresser in front of you and struck him, since only physical objects can stop the curse. The blast sent you unconscious. You were brought here, and your son was left with your sister and her family. We have been unable to wake you up. Your son however seems to have done the job. I know this is a lot to take in, especially in such a short amount of time. It will be normal for you to feel confusion. If you have any questions, just push this button, and an assistant Healer or I will be back in to help you. Do you have any questions now?" She nods.

"Can I see my son again?" He nods and ushers them back in.

"Have a good day, Mrs. Potter." The Healer tells her, walking out of the room.

"Hi Mum." Harry says, taking his previous seat next to the bed.

"Hi honey. I'm so sorry Harry." Lily says as she starts to cry.

"Don't cry Mum. You protected me as well as you could. If you wouldn't have pushed that dresser in front of you, you and I could both be dead. But we're not. We're here. So don't cry." He reaches up to wipe away her tears. "You have me now Mum. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, except Hogwarts." They both chuckle as Petunia slips out of the room, only after taking a quick picture of the duo.

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