1|Here Comes Varun

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" Please PLEASE let him go, what has he ever done to you, don't be so heartless." The monster pushed my mother away roughly as he continued to break my chest with his shoe. I wailed in pain as he smirked and took his foot away, only to grab my mum's hair and pull her into The Room and shut the door with a loud BANG, before I could heave a sigh of relief and instead tears hazed my vision. The next hours of night I spent screaming in agony and pain, and so did my mother. But now I see her, cowering in terror in her rags, and him approaching towards me with a whip, breaking my shirt's buttons and... HELP!
The sunlight streamed in through the windows as Angel, my cute little golden retriever, licked my earlobe and let out a cute ' woof'! I brushed the covers aside and put her in my lap,and stroked her golden fur. She's small,about three months old and always hyperactive. Well same goes for me. I jumped out of bed and descended the stairs to feed her. But a sharp pain arose in my foot and I realised that I had cut myself on that same place, where it had all happened 10 years ago , the incident that had permanently slit my heart and blood dripped every second, drop by drop.  The broken furniture was still in place, a memory of that dreaded night that changed my life forever and ruined it.I felt a steady stream of tears escape my eyes and I brushed them away. I had vowed not to cry, until I got where I wanted to be and filled the void in my life, that would be the day I cry ...
I shook off the ghosts of the past and walked away from the broken table to fetch some milk for Angel. Oh my god, it was 10 am already! I was going to be late for college! I quickly put Angel down and ran upstairs to bathe and hurry out. I always wonder why she left all this for me to brood over and kill myself , bit by bit, everyday. The gleaming chandeliers, the long stairways, the antique vases , the powder rooms... I don't need all this. All I needed was a normal life which that man ruined and ran away... Why are the memories tormenting me so much today? I don't need all this playing havoc in my brain right now because... I need to GET OUT!

Wow I was quick today! I picked up my bike keys and bounded out of the house with Angel at Alia's house. Alia is my neighbour, she is very sweet and on my speed- dial if I want to hang out or vent out. She goes to Blasé National College, ironically our rival college, our being TIFT College. I know short name... But anyways,back to the point! Today the judges for the biggest dance show,Dance Dil Se are coming to our college for an audition  for the best hip- hop dancer/troupe. I was so excited, I had been practicing for 4 months now. Anunay,Misha and Aishwarya were my best friends, and members of our college band, Seenu's Superstars. We had won every college competition. Oh I am near the gate, but what is the din and chatter about ? Don't tell me Arun, the college goon and wannabe stud, troubled Ms. Briganza, our dean again ? God I am tired of beating him up every day ! But Lady Luck seldom smiles on me, and this time he has troubled Aisha, a pretty and studious girl from my class. He had made her books fall down on purpose and tripped her just to laugh with his silly scoundrels . If there is one thing I can't stand, it's girls being troubled. I stopped the bike in front of Arun and with a swift wave of my left, slapped his right hand, Vicky, who recoiled in terror and ran away. Then happened the usual,goon-acts-clever-but-hero-beats-the-lights-out-of-him-and-goon-goes-with-a-glare type of filmy fight. So typical I tell you, I am tired of it! But I assure Aisha that he will never trouble her again, and she leaves with a flower for me . How sweet!! But these distractions always come at 2 times, whenever something important is going to happen and when I have to pray to my Lord Krishna. We have his effigy in the campus, which I chat with everyday, he's my bro. But today I was running super late, so I gave him a quick wink and bolted to the auditorium. I had a feeling that something really good was going to happen to me today, but I couldn't predict what. Maybe about the competition, I hope so...
There you have it, the introduction ! Suggestions are welcome ( except haters, who can raise their four fingers back at them while pointing one at me ). If you have any questions, comment and I'll try and answer.Bye bye, my sweety pies!
Lots Of Love
Veer Ki Vinnie

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