Year 1

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A/N: Just saying, we all need a little Grace in our lives. ;) Comment, and Vote if you like this! Also, i'm planning to make each chapter about a special event in Grace's life up until she hits 5 years, so you're all welcome to leave a recommendation to what events I could write about! So far, i've only got 2 or 3 other events I could think of! So yeah if you have any ideas, feel free to leave it in the comments! :)


Dean felt a small presence on the bed. He knew exactly what it was, but decided to keep his eyes close as he waited for the small body to come to him. Just a few seconds after, the small body's small hands were gripping onto his shirt, using it to pull herself up.

"Go on, Grace! Wake up, daddy." Elena's voice cooed. Dean could hear the excitement in Grace's voice as Elena urged her on. She began tugging at Dean's shirt. When he didn't react, Grace used one hand and placed it on Dean's face. She squeezed his nose, then used a finger and put it in his mouth. Dean smiled, but kept his eyes closed as he moved her hand away from his mouth. She let out a frustrated yell, and fell backwards on to the bed.

Elena had a huge smile on her face watching the scene between the two of them. "Aww, is daddy being mean Gracie?" Elena reached down and stood Grace back up so she was hovering over Dean once again. Grace looked at her mother curiously. "Hmm, maybe daddy wants a good morning kiss?" She suggests.

Grace had just recently learned how to give kisses. She heard the word from her mother and immediately took the cue. She bent down and kissed Dean on his nose. His eyes immediately flew open with a giant smile on his face. He grabbed the small infants head between his hands gently as he kissed her head back.

"Yay! You did it Gracie!" Elena exclaimed, while she clapping. Once Dean released Grace from his grasp, she once again fell backwards on the bed. As she lay on her back, she mimicked her mother's actions and was clapping as well. Elena sat Grace down, so she could slide onto the bed next to her, and Dean. "You ready for today?" She asks him, as he lifted himself up so that he was sitting on the bed as well.

He lets out a sigh. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess." He responds, as he watches his daughter trying to shove her entire hand in her mouth. He lets out a chuckle when she begins to turn red from the anger she felt from not being able to accomplish her task.


Elena struggled to put a pair of tights on Grace. Since the small infant began to crawl, it was becoming increasingly difficult to change her clothing and her diapers. Battling with the infants legs, Elena finally prevailed.

"Woohoo!" She celebrated, as she looked over her daughter's pink little dress. The final task was the easiest. She neatly brushed Grace's dirty blonde hair to the side, and slid on a pink headband with a small bow on top. She stood back and did quick once over on Grace, making sure she wasn't missing anything. Finally feeling satisfied, she lifted Grace in her arms.

A knock on the door startled Elena. She turned around, and found Sam standing at the door way. She lifted her brows at him approvingly taking in how nice he looked in his black tux. "Wow, Sam. You clean up nice." She remarks. Sam smiles at her compliment.

"Thanks, you do too." He responds nodding at her. She looks down and eyes her white dress.

"Thank you." She smiles back at him.

He nods at her, before his eyes shift over to his niece who had been flailing her arms excitedly when she spotted him. His smile grows as he walks towards her, a laugh escaping his lips. "Can't wait to see what Dean has to say about her dress." Sam says.

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