Year 4 - Princess Grace

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His heart pounded against his chest as he raced home. He ignored and broke all sorts of traffic laws, not giving a care for anyone else's safety as he only had one thought in his head.

Her little frantic voice played over and over in his mind.

"Daddy, help! I can't find her." And silence.

Driving up to the house, Dean didn't bother to even park his baby correctly before climbing out. He bursted through the front door as he made his way into the home.

"Elena?!" He shouts in a panic.

Elena emerges from the kitchen, with a tray of freshly baked cookies in her hands.

"Dean? What are you doing here? What's wrong?" She asks, concern painted on her face.

"I... I got a call from your phone... It was Grace." He speaks as his heart beat begins to normalize. "She was frantic and said she couldn't find 'her' I thought..."

"Oh," Elena pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. "She lost the stuffed panda bear you won for her last summer. She must have gotten to my phone and called you while Sam was helping me look for it at the park."

"Are you kidding me? I thought something was wrong! I almost ran over an old woman trying to get my ass here!" He complains. "Where is she? I gotta talk to her."

"She's up in her room," Elena holds back a laugh before signalling Dean to follow her. The two walk up the stairs, and down the hall. Once they reached the door that was cracked open, Elena stops and tells Dean to go first.

He pushes the door open, surprised by what he finds in the room.

"It's Princess Grace, Uncle Cas."

"But I don't understand. You're not from a royal bloodline."

"Just play along, Cas" Sam whispers harshly into Cas' ear. He then clears his throat, and adjusts himself back in the tiny pink chair. "Go on, Princess Grace."

The frown that had grown on the young blonde's face immediately is replaced by a large grin when she spots Dean standing behind her two uncles.

"Daddy! You're home!" She exclaims, leaving her spot at the table and running to his arms.

"Hey, kiddo!" He chuckles as he scoops her up. "I see you've got some royal guests." He pokes fun at the crowns placed on Sam and Cas' heads. Sam hastily removes the crown before awkwardly trying to get up from the much too small chair.

"I found her bear and she invited me to a tea party to say thank you and..." Sam tries to explain.

Dean nods and turns his attention to Cas. "What about you? What's your excuse?"

"Uncle Cas is the prince!" Grace replies matter of factly before Cas has a chance to say anything.

"What about me?" Dean asks.

Grace giggles. "Well, you're the King, silly, and mommy's the Queen!"

Elena finally then joins the room. "And the Queen has baked some cookies!" She announces.

Grace shrieks in excitement, as Dean places her on the ground. Immediately she runs back to her spot, and demands Sam and Cas to take their seats as Elena sets up the plate of cookies at the center of the table.

Dean's eyes remain glued onto the scene, joy and pride filling within him as he watches his daughter be treated like a princess that she was. 

Authors Note:
Sorry it's been so long haha. Writer's block really suck but i'm slowly getting back into the swing of things! I have an idea of what I want for Year 5 so I think i'll be updating again soon! So I hope you guys enjoy this short chapter :) I thought it was fun to write! :D

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