Year 3 - Zoo

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A/N: Ugh, these little stories about Grace... I'm sorry. I just love the idea of Dean as a father tbh. haha. Anywho, here's another update. Hope you guys enjoy! Vote and comment if you do! :)


"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Elena asks as she hands Dean the pink diaper bag.

Dean stops walking and turns to face Elena. "Come on, Elena. Give me some credit! You've left me alone with her before." He frowns.

"Yeah and it cost you how much to replace all the make-up she'd got into again?" She responds quickly.

Dean's jaw drops. "That doesn't count! You knew I had food poisoning or whatever. It wasn't my fault I had to sit there until my ass went numb." He shudders at the memory.

She rolls her eyes. "Language." She warns, nodding her head towards Grace, whose attention was focused on tossing rocks at a small puddle that formed on the driveway.

Dean sighs. "I've got this okay, babe? Trust me. We'll be fine. You enjoy your day with Caroline. Have fun, relax, do whatever it is that girls do for fun." He lifts his brows suggestively.

"Dean," She laughs as she shakes her head. "You're such a pervert."

"You love it." He beams.

"I tolerate it." She corrects.

Dean chuckles. "Okay, fine. Just relax, okay? We'll be okay. I promise."

She lets out a sigh. "Fine," and slightly kneels down to the ground. "Gracie, come here! Come say bye to mommy!" She shouts.

The small child's ears perk up at the sound of her mother's voice. She quickly runs to Elena with her arms wide open. Elena lifts her up and gives her a good squeeze.

"You stay with Daddy the whole time, okay?" She instructs.

"Okay, mommy." Grace replies.

"That's my girl." She then presses her lips on the toddler's small, cheek. "Be good." She adds before handing her off to Dean.

Dean see's the concern that refuses to leaves Elena's eyes. This was Dean's first time taking Grace out to a much more risky place. Elena knew Dean was responsible when it came to their daughter. But she was still a mother and that over-protective instinct seemed to never go away. She hated the idea of not being there for her baby, but she knew she needed to begin to loosen the reigns a little.

"Don't worry, sweetheart," He leans in and kisses Elena. "She'll be okay."

Elena laughs nervously. "I know," She drops her head a small tear threatened to slip out. "I'm just being a little over-emotional I guess."

"Well you'll feel better after you have the day to relax. And I mean it, Elena. Relax." He says with a deeper tone.

"Yes, sir." She nods her head like a drill sergeant.

Dean chuckles. "Now if only you were this obedient in,"

Elena quickly lifts her finger to stop him from speaking. "Don't even think about finishing that sentence, Winchester."

Dean smirks. "Well, 'least you know where I was going with that, Mrs. Winchester." He winks before placing one last kiss on her lips and turning towards the Impala.


Now that they've reached their destination, Dean hands Sam the keys.

"The stroller is in the trunk." He explains. Sam nods and climbs out of the vehicle. Dean follows suit and heads for the back seat. He opens the car door and is greeted by a squirming toddler.

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