Year 2 - Halloween

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A/N: In honor of it being Halloween, I decided to do a little story that I randomly thought of this morning. I know it's short, but I thought it was cute so I hope you guys enjoy it! 

And if you celebrate this holiday, have a safe and Happy Halloween! 


"I look ridiculous!" He whines.

"Dean, come on. Don't say that, just come on out. Let me see you."

"Elena, I'm serious. This is ridiculous. Did we really have to do the "Frozen" theme?"

"You know, Grace loves that movie, now come on! Let me see you."

Dean mutters some obscenities under his breath. He lets out a sigh and finally takes opens the bathroom door. Elena's hand flew up to cover her mouth. She fought back the giggle that threatened to escape.

After regaining her composure, she finally speaks. "You look..."

"Ridiculous." He frowns.

She shakes her head. "You look adorable. Grace is going to love you for this."

Accepting Elena's words to be true, Dean relaxes a little. "Fine." He says.

A smile grows on her lips. She leans in, wraps her arms around his neck and gives him a quick peck on the lips. "Besides," She begins. "who is Anna without Kristoff?" She winks.

"Okay," He chuckles. "Elena, you know I'm all for the costume role-play but this..." He gestures down to his outfit. "This ain't doin' it for me." He says.

She shakes her head and chuckles. "Come on, grumpy," She grabs his hand. "Let's go find Queen Elsa."


The blonde toddler's green eyes light up upon seeing her favorite movie characters come to life. She runs up to her mother and father squealing the entire way.

"Princess Anna! Kristoff!" She exclaims.

Dean lifts her up into his arms. "Well, hello there, Queen Elsa. Are you ready to go trick-or-treating?"

"No." She pouts.

Alarmed, Elena quickly jumps in. "Why not, sweetie?"

"We need Olaf." She responds with a frown.

"Oh, don't worry, sweetie. Olaf and Sven will be here too."

With that, the joy returns into the toddler's eyes. Dean looks at Elena curiously.

"Did you just lie to our daughter?" He asks as he sets Grace back on the ground.

Elena's jaw drops. "Of course not! Why would you think that?"

"Olaf and Sven will be here too?" He quotes.

"And they will be. Don't think your brother and Cas got away scot-free from this holiday." She smirks.

Feeling a sense of pride, Dean smiles at her. "God, I love you." He says.

"I know." She smiles back.

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