Year 5 - A Boy

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Grace walked between her parents, holding each of their hands in her own as they approached the large building. The entire month of August, the little blonde had spent every waking moment thinking about school. She spent hours a day, playing teacher with her stuffed animals.

The day she received her school supply list in the mail, she jumped with joy and immediately begged her parents to take her shopping.

A nostalgic feeling coursed through Elena, the good memories of her childhood days all flowing back as they walked the aisles. Dean watched his two girls, a look of bewilderment on his face as they excitedly stuffed the cart with school supplies.

"You two are psychos." Dean comments as they place the items on the conveyor belt.

"Dad!" Grace shouts, her angry voice working to capture Dean's attention. With her arms folded across her chest, she glares at Dean.

"What?" He asks, before showing her the folders he had in his hand. "Look, kid. I can understand these two," He wiggles the two folders with the dinosaurs at her. "You've always liked dinosaurs."

"But what's this?" He asks, now showing her the folder with a hero on it. "Since when do you watch Superman?"

She rolls her eyes, and takes a couple steps towards her father. "That's not Superman, dad." She snatches the folder out of Dean's hand. She then turns it around, and points to the letter "A" on the helmet the hero wore.

"This is Captain America." She says matter of factly, before placing the folder back on the conveyor belt. "And it's not for me. It's for Jess. Mommy said I can buy Jess this folder."

Dean meets Elena's gaze, asking her wordlessly if it was true. Elena chuckles, and nods at Dean to which he responds with an exasperated sigh before pulling out his wallet.


As they neared the entrance of the school, Grace suddenly releases the grip she held on her parents hands.

"Mommy! I can see Jess," She exclaims turning to Elena. "Can I go?" She pleas.

"Sure thing, kiddo." She smiles.

Both Elena and Dean stay behind, eyes locked on their little girl as she ran with open arms towards a little black-haired boy... A boy?

Dean's eyes widen once he watches his little girl wrap her arms around the boy.

"What the... Who the hell is that?!" Dean shouts, his voice loud enough to cause a few parents to turn around and give Dean nasty looks.

"Dean! Watch your language!" She whispers harshly as she turns and offers an apologetic smile to the gawking parents.

Completely ignoring his surroundings, Dean attempts to make a move towards Grace and the little boy before Elena gets a hold of him.

"Dean, what are you doing?!" She asks. "What's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter with me?' What's the matter with you!? Can't you see that little boy wrapped his arms around Grace?"

"Dean..." Elena pinches the bridge of her nose while releasing a large breath of air. "That's Jess."

"What?" Dean turns his attention back to Grace and the little boy. He watches as Grace pulls out the Captain America folder and hands it to Jess.

"I told you about him, Dean. Grace and Jess met during Pre-school over the summer. They hit it off pretty quickly." She adds, walking to stand by Dean's side.

"But... He's a boy?" Dean doesn't move his eyes away from the two children. Dean didn't know the kid, but he already could tell he didn't like the looks of him.

Elena snorts. "Yeah, and...?"

Just as Dean opens his mouth to speak, the school bell rings, informing the children it's time to enter the school. Grace abandons Jess, as she runs up to her parents.

Elena kneels down, arms open as she awaits for the little blonde. Grace runs into her mother's arms, and wraps her own tiny ones tightly.

"Have fun, honey!" Elena says before Grace pulls away from her.

She then turns her attention to Dean, a wide smile on his face.

He kneels down to Grace's level.

"Have a good day at school kiddo," he says, pulling her into his arms. After a moment, Grace pulls away from her father, and turns her attention to the entrance of the school, where Jess waited.

Both Dean and Elena watch as Jess extends out his hand for Grace, waiting as she approaches. She grabs his hand, and the two enter the school together.

When Elena turns her attention to Dean, she forces back a laugh. Having to fight back the urge to pull out her phone, and take a picture of the genuine anger on Dean's face, she decides to wrap her arm around him, and rests her head on his shoulder

"Come on, let's get you home, grumpy." She muses.

"I'm not grumpy," He complains as they begin to slowly walk towards the Impala. "I just don't like the look of that kid."

"Look," She says, lifting her head off of his shoulder, and meeting his gaze. "We have the whole house to ourselves for the next..." She grabs Dean's free wrist, and looks at his watch. "7 hours. What do you say, I find a way to make you forget all about that kid? Hmm?" She lifts her brows suggestively.

"Sweetheart, you think i'm that easy to buy?"

"Well..." She lets go of her hold on Dean as they approach the Impala. "I guess not," She remarks as she removes her sweater, leaving her to sport a tank top that showed her cleavage generously.

"Nope. You ain't winning with that trick, sweetheart."

Suddenly, her eyes darken. "We'll just have to see about that now won't we?" She teases before opening the door and climbing into the vehicle.

Dean looks up at the sky, closes his eyes and takes a moment to thank whoever may be listening for the gift that awaited for him in the car.


Authors Note:

So, when I started this little Grace book, I was only going to write up til she's 5. But, now that i'm here... I kind of don't want to let it go. SO, as of now I have no real ideas of what to write next, but I THINK in the future, I may write some more of Grace... Perhaps in her teen years and maybe something in her adult years because I do have a little bit of a story idea for Grace as an adult, but we'll see. So anyway, I hope you guys have enjoyed these little Grace chapters! Til next time<3

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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